UIFA Request Review wrote the Julian álvares penalty

UEFA is to talk to FIFA and IFAb to talk to EFAB.

The incident happened to further discussions and were out of the Champions League in the Champions League.

The Argentina Striker was chosen to trampled twice – his leg was trampled inside the legal violation.

VARAY has occurred and broken the penalty szymar mzymarciniak. Real Madrid shoots 4-2 to the quarterfinal tie with Arsename.

Uufa releases the clear picture of the Alwars incident

UFA released a statement in this afternoon, The clear video of alwaris touches twice. The penalty of the Champions League contest against Real Madrid has led to the allowing Julian al-Warres from PK, which was taken from the PK of Julian Alwars.

“Although the number of the player is trampled with the player, the player trampled with the player. Under the current rule (rules of the game, law 14.1), the target is required to indicate that the target is not allowed.

The UEFA FIF and the IFF will meet if the double touch will clearly review this law in unintentional cases. “

The IFB is the International Football Association Board to the game, an organization that has set up the rules will ultimately open the finals, whether it is change.

The Atletito Bose Simion has not impressed

The match post-match conversation was the penalty of Alwaris and the Atletico Boss Diego Simion.

“I saw the pictures, the referee touches the ball with his support leg, but the ball is not moving,” he said. “That is a goal or not. But in my players I am proud of my players, we are honestly and we have competed in the formal.

“Julean (Punalty), the ball is not a bit moved. I think they are called var and seeing it. I want to believe he had touched it.”

Thank you for the goal of the Connings Minimum of NEW GALLAGER’S target, but could not find less than a second in an energy.

Madrid Golkeeper Tiba thought that he and his group spouses were affiliated by a proper decision on the spot-kick of Alwarise.

“He touched the ball twice, I said Referee,” said Belgian. “It is not easy to see.”

However, he was not constructed, however, questioned the integrity of Simion Var.

“This is obvious.

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