Real Madrid has not already seen a magical night, of course, to be Champions. White team won the first time Etihod After seven visits, with three draws and three losses, some of them are very hard, but they are Ancheloti This season they finally protect a large. This is undoubtedly a blow on the table and ascending the returnCome back, in discounts, for heroism, but qualified.
“I don’t know how English understood,” Real Madrid made fun of the goalkeeper.
Madrid is a leader in the league that almost all its benefits, but it is still alive in the trophy (today’s draw) and brings the eighth place together after the success of Etihad.
LOr has done hard with Parsia, The first round of the league 0-4 and the final match of the Super Cup (2-5). But it doesn’t go from a dai Atletico Metropolitan and this last day at Bernabu, to go up, the other is great, Liverpool, It was charged 2-0 Andfield. Another historical Wicked He also won Bernabu.
In the context of the club, the technician recognizes a portion of his crime.
Good results and good picture
Apart from the end, this is the most important thing, the image of the team also tastes. Except for the second part of this last Saturday against Atletico, Madrid is not Madrid with other adults. All failures are reasonable It would have been unjust to lose yesterday at Etit. The most part of the white people were the best, but they had to win eventually.
Anselott explains the reaction of Vineysius to see the controversial banner who prayed the phrase “stop crying.”
As for Anseloty this is a victory that strengthens its stability for four strikers It provides oxygen waiting for at least to recover to one of the injured, Rodigar. This is a relief to the coach None of the warnings, Belingham, Kamavinka, Modic and Endric never saw a card They may be to return to Madrid in seven days. Another good news, the answer of two plants that no one can imagine when the season started Tchoamenei and asscio. Canteeno is undoubtedly a note. Yesterday he had to dance with a monster Holland He went to meet him not only to shorten but also He returned to his absence.