Jordi Berrtomiu, former Euroleek Managing DirectorThe fact that the maximum European competition is controversial from four to the end Abu Dhabi and considered this as a dangerous decision He believes that many risks are always considered in the agency and they have done better.
“It was a dangerous decision, but we have always taken many risks in Eurolee. It went well. We need to see how European fans respond to this, and this is the most important thing for me because everyone working in basketball works for fans. We will also see how the final fourth atmosphere is when not playing in Europe. This is a new experience, because one of the beautiful things of the final four is the atmosphere. I am not going to criticize this decision, but rather, I hope it happens well, ”he said.
Another novelty of the short term may be in the matches of a middle -and -east team: “We have already started this conversation in my time in Eurolee, and I always thought it was a meaningful thing in the middle or long time, but you should read it and you should outline it well because it is easy to enter , But it is difficult to quit.
Bertomiu, who attended the Jigandus Journal Awards Exhibition, explained how the competition lives from far away: “This is a very spectacle. Every party is an exceptional competition that is important, every party is unpredictable. This is always our will and goal. I end up with a wonderful season again, the most important thing is that fans respond, and eventually when you organize a competition. “
“I was there in the 25 years of Eurolee, so I was there in the 22nd, so I can’t stop feeling it on my own. This is the longest project of my career life. Now I have left, there are many changes;
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