The Nasa It is growing Tests for the growth of new impulse machines Atom Equip the spatial rockets of future human beings Luna and Tuesday.
General Atomic Energy Electromagnets “NASA’s Marshall Center for NASA’s Marshall Center Technology (NTP) Sislner transport and deep space for a rapid and active place, including human works Marte.
Check tests were carried out in conjunction with NASA Specific nuclear fuel capacity of general nuclear power electromagnetic systems (GA-EMS) in accordance with high performance specifications required to withstand the expected extreme operating conditions in space.
“Los Recent test results indicate an important milestone In a successful demonstration of fuel design for the NTP furnace, “Scott Forney, president of General Nuclear Electromagnetic Organizations, said in a statement. NTB furnace runs in space. We are very promoted by the positive results of the testing that these operating conditions can survive, a safe and reliable atomic heat impulse for southern and deep space trips. “
Ka-eMs created many Tests at NASA MSFC in HuntswillOvarian Alabama. The nuclear fuel samples were tested with a hot hydrogen flow and subject to six thermal cycles, which increased to a maximum temperature of 2600 K (kelvin) or 2,326 degrees Celsius. Maximum performance includes 20 -Nees retained to prove the performance of the burning object in each cycle Itching and degeneration for hot hydrogen. Additional tests were carried out with different safety properties to provide additional data on how different improvements of the material improve the performance in a furnace -like conditions.
Chemical rocket has two or three times more efficiency than engines
“As far as we know, we are the first company to use to prove and prove the ability to prove and prove the ability to success and efficiency of compact flammable components (CFET) in NASA MSFC. Refueling The representative of the hydrogen, after the heat cycle at temperature and increased rates, said Dr. Christina Bagh, Vice President of GA-EMS nuclear technologies and materials.
“We have done tests in the absence of hydrogen in our GA-EMS laboratory, which confirms that the fuel has exceptionally exceptionally better at temperatures, which will allow the NTP system to be discharged Conventional chemical rocket is two or three times more efficient than engines. We are pleased to continue our cooperation with NASA as we mature and test the fuel to meet the performance requirements for Sislunner Missions and the future structures of Mars.