Consinao has already tried to play Pulicic, Joa Felix, Leo and Kimenez. If everyone gives a hand, you can do this with a Jova “two”. However, the Dutch will lose the inserts and objectives of the first part of the season

Leuca pionin


11 February – 9:55 pm – Milano

Pep Cardiola said that forms are phone numbers: 4-4-2, 4-3-3, 3-4-2-1. I have nothing but prefix. Like all effect phrases, simultaneously true and false. Take Milan. In Rotterdam and in the next four months of his life, Milan Pulisik, Jova Felix, Leo and Kimenez can be played together, here, not just the prefix question. It depends on the running, the level of the field and the sacrifice. Question One: How do you support those four?

How do they play

More than the theory, it is meaningful to start from practice. Milan started the second half of Emboli with its four stars, from the fans’ dream. The test lasted less than 10 minutes, and until the Tomori was discharged, it all praised an adaptation (Musa Terzino, Joa Felix in the middle of the field) and mutual company. A few days later, this can be said: four axes – in a white jersey, only a color as D Gregory wanted – they saw themselves well. Something in those 10 minutes, surely you can say that the trailer for the film. The plot is in 30 words: Joa Felix is ​​backwards, looking for 10 balls and protects from the second tip; Leo is wide to the left; Pulisik begins from the right to occupy the center; Rajenders become a midfield distributor.

Pulicic, Joa Felix, Leo, Kimenez
Joa Felix Leo and Kimenez in Emboli-Mile

Four attackers

The above action shows a basic sorting, Jovao Felix becomes a second tip next to Kimenez at the end of the action. Almost two in one: the number 10 of the connection and the same active second striker. Theo is an Inspector here – the best filter for Leo – in a role that can be in his twist, Rajanders (mostly) or phobana (very rarely). The Best Comment: The Fabe Four has everything to feel better together with the ball. They are filler. Everyone knows against one and his teammates. Kimenez is a final, others are high creators. Perfect. Who is the highest risk of staying on the bench? 100% of the time at this time, Leo, yet not fully relying on Consinao.

Reigens Milan

Possible complications

4-2-3-1 high-attack contradictions, trivial, especially defensive. All four should help each other, help, create a defensive phase, and chase when needed. As for Joa Felix and Leo, this is not a natural endeavor: Consinao can say that he will strongly ask for himself to sacrifice. However, with the ball, it would be interesting to understand whether the registors would be stuffed in the middle of the field, and lost the flames of his season. On the other hand, Fobana will inevitably be converted into a defensive midfielder, some of which the Milan players expand a false understanding that fell: Yusaf abandoned his game’s attack portion for the team, but that is not the maker of course. Try: Time (maybe) to help.

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