
Jose Maurino’s Fanerpas is already the final team of the Europa League. Four minutes after the match, N-Nessi advanced to the Turkish team. But, after receiving the center, Stopped for fighting at the game stand. After restarting, Anderlets Argentina Louis Wasuws went around the match and put two goals for more than half an hour, but for more than half an hour Axiec punished the tie with a topic.

The error of the Anderlet security in the ball led the Belgians very quickly, with the need to beat three goals. Digeko used carelessness and gave the ex-Sevillista a goal on the N-Jess. Subsequently, in the public area, the game was stopped for a fight at the stand. The arbitrations sent the players to the replacement rooms and stopped the game for 20 minutes.

After restarting, the Belgians put themselves in danger. He reduced the distance towards the goal of Argentina Louis Waswas, the best player of the campus. The party entered a rhythm of Anderchel’s control, but not confused, up to the second part The same protagonist put on the scoreboard with an excellent joint play. They approached two goals, more than half an hour.

They spent a few minutes until the Acchiec appeared to place the land in the middle of 63. The ultimate 2-5 Title of a sin from the small part of the world. Murino will meet his eighth competitor at 12 this Friday afternoon, and Rangers or Olympiaos will receive Turks.

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Nilson angulo (65 ‘, Caesar Hurda), John Verdonhhen (65 ‘, Lucas Hey), Daliska (66 ‘, Yajuf A-Nessi), Because (66 ‘, bright Osai-Samuel), Irfan Kane Kahwezi (77 ‘, Tusan Tatik), Kisk coto (77 ‘, Torgan Risk), Cats’ nathan (81 ‘, Louis Wasweez), Ludwick Augustinson (81 ‘, ma ou sa n’dia), Chec tossun (83 ‘, Edin), Because Haccan Yantas (83 ‘, Sebastian Simanski)


0-1, 3 ‘: En-syria1-1, 18 ‘: Louis Waskews2-1, 54 ‘: Louis Waskews2-2, 62 ‘: Yusuf Aksigek


Arbitro: Sandro Sherar
Arpro War: Luke Funny, Lion City
En-syria (23 ‘, yellow), Bright lions (35 ‘, yellow), Bread (45 ‘, yellow), Bright samuel (52 ‘, yellow)


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