In between, the entire Surriel episode lived at the Edevis party Heronveen Y Forduna Citart. At the meeting, a dissatisfied moment was seen during the Citart Fortune, similar to the 21st day of the Netherlands League Tournament He linked 12 players at the same time 20 seconds in the field.
The situation was unleashed in the final minutes of the conflict, and the arrival panel created two alternatives. DalhasThis is the one that has been replaced, He was on the field and stayed with 12 players on the Fortune Citart.
Robin van PercyOvarian Henveen. After a corner service, the situation still took another turn The game was able to fit the game just before the final bar.
After the game, the Dutch trainer was very angry in this situation. “It clearly affects the game. Once a time is not allowed in twelve football. It is completely slander but it seems allowed to be allowed“Van Percy lamented.