Experts They recommend to do Haematology At least once a year To know the health condition of our body, and above all, if everything works properly.
You can check in an analysis:
- Red, white and platelets, cholesterol, blood glucose, iron, thyroid enzymes …
Nevertheless, There are patients who have to do a public test every six months. This is what Patient Diabetic patientPeople over 65 years of age, or people with comorpidititis, ie they have two or more diseases at the same time.
That frequency can be reduced to three months in pregnant women or some of those who are not completely controlled.
Does medications change the results of blood analysis?
This is one of the most concerned problems among patients who take daily medicine.
The truth is, yes It is important to interact with the treatment that followed with the doctor and the laboratoryTo make sure you are going to interfere in the results of blood analysis.
- The Take the pain reliever and anti -inflammatory will change liver enzymes (If the liver works properly) or creatin (measure the function of the kidneys), they point out from the sememer.
- Oral corticosteroidsOn the other hand, they can change Glycemia figuresThis may indicate that it is infected with diabetes.
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A simple blood test can determine if you are a celiac.
Fasting before an analysis: is the myth or correct?
Fasting is essential before blood analysis.
- Experts refer to it For a normal blood analysis, fasting time should be in 8-12 hours.
If not, the parameters are like May seem that glucose, cholesterol or triglycerides have been replaced In the results.
- So it is recommended to date from 8 pm to 9 pm the previous night, and blood extraction is carried out early in the morning.
One of the repeated questions among patients who are undergoing a blood test is to take water before the test.
As already mentioned, the results obtained are worth it to be reliable and are not replaced by food in the previous hours.
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Blood analysis diagnoses and new drugs change the precedent of Alzheimer’s
But, even if, only It refers to the consumption of coffee (with or without sugar), the consumption of solid and liquid foods like tea … and not water. During fasting to feel blood analyzes You can drink small amounts of water And moderate.
Otherwise, such parameters:
- He The number of red blood cells (If this is too much it may be a symbol of a vera polycythemia, bone marrow disease).
- The Hemoglobin (If the level is abnormally low it may be a sign AnemiaIt can translate into breathing, fatigue, weakness, pale skin or cold hands and feet).
What about urine analysis? Should we be fast?
The The collection of the model Urine This is done in his home by the patient, so he does not need any previous product.
You have to be fasting eight hoursBetween dinner (to be light) and the first hour in the morning.
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What does the urine color of our health condition say?
- You want to collect The first urine in the morning, excluding the first jet aircraft, with a four -hour minimum retention.
Prior to this, the sanitaryization of the genitalia should be carried out and the refrigerated model must be maintained and taken to the health center as soon as possible.