The exams of two coach in view of the 8.45 pm match
Some training changes to Fabricus, confirm the goal Stop. From four to four SmolcigOvarian ScoreOvarian Doosena E. Wale. In the average place a Kunha E. BeroneSo he will start from the bench with Quetrate. Will be the attacker reference Cutron, Is supported on the back DioOvarian Nico bass E. Strepheza. Out Lo Dismissed Fadera. Mota Believed Gregorioin EA between posts WiOvarian LumpOvarian Vectus E. Sawonna In security. In the media Shopkeepers E. Locatelide. They will act on the truck StarOvarian Mechenni E. Nico gonsaleus. The first tip will be Marks firstValahovic is once again preferred.
Official systems
AS (4-2-3-1): Beauty; Smolcic, Goldenica, Dosena, Wale; From Berron, from Kunha; Dia, nico bass, streplessa; Cutron.
Juventus (4-2-3-1): Of Gregorio; Whee, cats, Vega, Savona; Cooopneners, Logadelly; Nico Gonzalez, McConni, Yildis; Golo Muwani.
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