After the Champions League Exit does not have a liverpool’s future

Virgler van Dijk admitted that the next season will be a liverpool player.

Liverpool Captain Van Djk – June with Trent Alexander and Mohammed Salah.

The negotiations between Liverpool and the Van Dijk are continued priorly, 33 years of defender, before.

In January 2018, the van digic red set up 310 matches in Red Djec red match.

Netherlands was an integral part of Liverpool’s victory under the 2018-19 Champions League.

Van Djke won the FA Cup, Community Shield, the UEFA Super Cup and Club World Cup. Two EFL Cup for a Premier League title this year.

However, when the Champions League of Liverpool’s Champional League failed, Paris St. Jeremane failed, he accepted the uncertainty of his future.

“I still don’t know now. Sincerely, I am not,” the van Dijk told his future.

“It’s not caught. Nothing is caught. I say the same thing. There are 10 games to go, that’s my focus.

“If you have news, you will know it. I don’t know myself. Everyone knows that there is some conversations behind the scenes, but it is about it.

“Now, I don’t know what happens next year. If someone says they know, they lie to your face.”

The EFL Cup final will play in the EFL Cup final against Newcastle on the top of the Premier League.

Raon Moto’s team became challenging until the last 16 shootout failed from the last 16 shootout failure to PSG.

First, Liverpool was first progressed from a major European Nockoutt to the first major European Knockout on a major European Knockout.

Van Diji accused the Champions League to end his final campaign with Liverpool.

“We have two big gifts,” added to the van despatch. “We’re going to give it everything. We need to feel frustrated tonight but to recovery from tomorrow.

“If this intensifies bring this intensity with our fans, I am positive. We don’t need an extra motivation. If you need an extra motivation you are in the wrong business.”

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