The ENPEMPO DRESDAN HOT SUNDAY SUNDAY SUNDAY. Abnormal public meeting (AOMV) is the next time the fan shop restriction will take place at 2026 next time.
Sophill sacrificed for six months, take the second 50% of the GMBE notratic solution to a 2028 chaet in 2028.
All contracts with Co-Wondick GMBH and IGOSENTRIC GMBH will be expected to end.
FACT: If Ultras accept this proposal, they will be a great winner of the conflict. According to image information, a conversion from the fan shop will never go to the club without the stress of active fan scene.
Say: A great victory that can be referred to the organized followers.
On the other hand, the application from the Ultra Scene for the return is in AOMV this will be more complicated.
The Supervisory Board is to decide whether the management needs to be followed by the management due to financial risk. The subject will continue for a few weeks and months.
The topic of the fanchapp changed as a permanent dispute
To carry out the decision, needed Dynamo dreesdon In a Hakoma campaign, the 50 employees combine from the fanchamope GMBH and restruct all processes to distribute chains. A big effort in orts the organism. In other words, there is a risky responsibility.
Interesting figures are available: If all continuing to be 2028, the soldier of the fan shop should grow up to 10 million and 10 million every season. In this case, the additional income (25% sale) is completely covered by the purchase price of 2028.
As a contrary, it should be expected to become 5.8 million to a break from 2026 to a break in 2026.
May go to the height of Sunday in the AOMV at the Congress Center
However, the Ultra Scene is suspicious of the range of management.
The fan shop is exactly integrated with the phanshop. For example, the details about the major stability contracts with Igossentic GMB228.
FACH: For replacing all club employees in 2028, the suppliers and business partners are prepared at a good at a good time.
Special contribution of conversation
Active Fan scene will want to remome to the purchase price of your desired date 2026. However, it will only be decided only in regular public meeting in the autumn.
In the end, the number of approximately 31,000 members AOMV Decide whether you pay for a project, while success is absolutely controversial at this time …