The hope expanded its gravel range and will add a splash and a handshed carbon crackescate with new brakes.
The latest addition of the Lankashire gravel line-UP is the new Arx carbon craket, which is inspired by the brand’s mountain bike in carbon bike.
The Chainine Hope is adjusted to gravity groups. The new crankset is designed to work with 45mm, 47.5 mm (wide) unmacles.
You have new carbon cranks to absorb vibrations like Pedal.
This is an integral part of the Crank’s legislature because it is used in internal bladder because it is used in internal bladder because it is used in internal bladder. Since the foam is on the core place, the environment is said to make hope from the view of the environment.
Cranks have the right to chain or 532.5 g of chain or 532.g. The spider is available in 28 to 44 tooth sizes.
The weapons are initially 165 mm, 170 mm, 175 mm, but they are not involved in hope.
Crangeset prices fell 575 / $ 751 / € 722.
The second additions of expected gravel line-up are the latest addition of the new rx2 and rx44 brake calipers. Rx2 is based on the MTB-specific two-pott X2 break (hopstest offering) design.
As the name suggests, the name suggests, is a large four-foot design that is better suitable for adventure bikpeaking-style bikes.

In the fashion of the usual expected fashion, they can be included in the seal to compatible with shumman (mineral oil) or sins (mineral oil) or ram (dot fluid) break systems.
The price of RX2 Brak is TBC.