Stread Biangle ‘XL’ is the ruined race? Discussion discussing crashes, lacking fuel

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The strend bianange is deviated on Saturday’s Super-Size version of the Stend Baichen marked by dramatic crashes and large numbers.

When the Dosan’s Raiders declined to the riders deck, the Kazazi Hundredau Ruda, Lot Copaky and Mathew Van Deer Poeta.

Race Director Marro Vegini defended the origin format – Peddrew from 184 to 213 km’s pardon.

“Who says that” Van Eth or Matthew Van Der poet will not start next year? ” Vegini said in an interview Het Newwsblad. “Pogar was there – that’s all I want. The race discussed everywhere, New York Times Will be sorted BBC.

“If the race became a long time, the curvature and matthe are away, I would like to think about it. But everyone knows it’s not reasonable.”

Strude Bianchi has been increasingly favorable skills to an explosive and gun-gun battle.

A size does not agree to everyone

Is the strain biange now so hard? Saturday’s massacre caused a discussion. (Photo: Gruberh images / vo)

The dust is settled after the Wild ride on Saturday, but the controversy and fall fuel for the new discussion.

Some argue, the new course design basically argues that the role of the race is changed, and perhaps one of the most beautiful races.

Do not ask people to be considered the sixth minor of cycling, but too much for the organizers.

“The course is now different. The natural moment of opening the race is now 80 km from Finish,” Tom Pidkoke said Idlrocyccccccccccle. “It attracts it more about tolerance and nutrition and less about that splipt factory.”

On Saturday, men’s race have become another long slagation, many riders, and they deliberately ran more consciously more conserved.

Pedkok only brave the challenge of trying to pursue police.

Despite the UAE Emirates-XRG, despite the dangerous crash of the men, there finished the repairs with more than 100 finishers in the race.

The van der poet will have some bright in a row for a second year in the last year and the new XL version of the Stend Baihani. Clothing is the female descent dominant women’s origin.

However, Vegini, the idea that their lack of their absence is a references to the new course design.

He pointed out the practical reason why the course was transformed into the course of the course – the logistics flows the traffic in the premises and the premises.

“Everyone forget that the roads will not be in the cyclists,” said VG Hnb. In the previous course, I had to shut up from a major public road to a two-hour. By presenting this stretch, I was able to avoid that problem. “

Mvdp: ‘This is a clim’s race’

Siena and Italy - March 08: Thereavia and UAE Team of Slovenia, the UAE Team of the UAE of Slovenia in Strawnia
The mountainsuit, attribute course was the untouched. (Photo: Luca Betini – pool / getty images)

The lack of the greatest players of the strained bianchi flows over the running out of running.

Winners in Van Eter, Van Der poet – 2020 and 2021 – the second year’s race. Lip-Bustogneature is more distance than a gravel-basket tour of Flanders’ merely larger-basseted tour.

The van der poet spoken ahead of tirreno-adriatico has become the ruin of the running.

“There are great memories of race, but it has become a mountainous. You must be realistic, your goals should be set up here,” Van Der poet said in a press conference. I was actually hard for me to avoid the “Open weekend ‘but not. You can’t be cheated everywhere. I try to try my best for the goals I set up.”

On the Van Eter at the Van Eter at the Van Eter at the Van Eter, Van Ettar, Van Ettarthi at the Van Ettanthe wide various streams of Van Et.

“It decided quickly. This is the same planning, when we returned to E 3 Saxed Greece,” Benoot said Spores. “I’m sorry for not to be at the beginning. We are here for flemish classics. But I am losing the choices. Then we are a choice we can.”

Is very dangerous? Vegini says ‘real cyclists’

Paocals crash white strain
Strude suffered a closing of heavy wounds and scrapes in strained bianch. (Photo: Gruberh images / vo)

Top riders Fems Femes Femes Fems Fems Fems are American American Fems

In addition to the mission of the mission, many riders were seriously injured, and reported a wrist in the men’s Peloton.

Read: The terresty toll in the strained-filled strained-filled strain biange

Vegini, not quickly overdue to devote offers a quicker, the guilt in the Peloton.

“Yes, there was more crashes on Saturdays,” he said. “That is due to the state of grace. In this case, it was very dry and dusty, and it makes it more dangerous.

“But the gravel roads are everything. This race is not very difficult or very dangerous. Unfortunately, there are many of them.”

Vegini blame speed and disk brakes

White roads
The Race Director Vesta reflected. (Photo: Gruberh images / vo)

Biange’s roads Dirt Road Is always its critical feature Road Of Paris-Rubax. The dirt roads are the beauty of the rufftus.

When the crashes took place in gravel sectors, fabulous crashes – including dangerous leaks – Pogar and NIEW Wayeredodod – the paved leaks.

However, Vesti suggests that the risk is part of taking the risk of racing and to the speedy bikes and disk brakes.

“The devices improved too much,” he said. “The progress of the development of bicycles means quickly. For example, you can break with them later. But in a Peloton, it leads to dangerous situations.”

His sharp words did not stop there. According to Vegini, the basic mood of modern Peloton became the best.

“Before Pelloorone had a moral code. If the accident was abolished, they warned each other,” he said. “Raiders takes more more risks. It is part of cycling. But you can take unnecessary risks.

“Now the Romans are as expressed in their times: My vineyard Wort – Your death is my life. “

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