Spencer Corder (Rotor Race Team), Beth Watson, Cameroon and Cameron won the week of MK Bowl Serge Series on March 8
Result: Mc Bowl Spring Circuit Series # 1
3/4 Cats Race
1. Spencer Corder, Rotor race team
2. Matthew Bottom and Cowl Road Conters
3. Ross Mallen, Royal Air Force Ca
4. David Irwin,
5. James Bacon, Warwick Lance CC
6. Dominic Ahinlino and Fal-on Try Club
7. Tsz shun
8. Carl-Emanuel and Fulgiri Dalwich Paragun CC
10. Glen McMenMimmin, Silo
11. Sianne Meaning, Tham Cycling Club
12. George Beck and Bath Cycling Club
13. Harry Odling, Race Riding fire
14. Jack Menency, London dynamo
15. James Wright and Newhawal
16. Peter Greg, Ride Riplus Training
17. Daniel Pole Hazel, lift
18. William Blake
19. Battu Yililiz, Phoenix Racing Team
20. Luke Mayor and Team Milton Keins
21. James Finlay, High Vaiopoopbeas Cycling Club
22. William Barer
23. John Schleir, Biyl Club Ashle (CCA)
24. Nathan Thomas, Vellobents.
25. Archi Sle-Gaper
26. Louis Wilson, CC
27. Jack Shoring, Nellinder Valley CC
28. Doug Ellis, Histon & Imchington Bicycle …
29. Noah Bush, Team Po
30. Jack Lang, Ride Riplus Coaching
31. Peter Lownown, High Vaikopbeas Cycling Club
32. Joe Tyler, Drawetwich Cycling Club
33. Louis Self and Greenlight
34. CIARAN Robinson-Fitzimmons, Shills-Doltsini Racing Team
35. James Owen, Histon & Imnington Cycle Klu …
36. Alex Boss, Ride Ripulatory coaching
37. Brett Cory, Warwick Lantaire CC
38. James Chapman, Army Cycling Union
39. Richard Perhem, Team MI Racing TownSend Vehicle …
40. Courtney Rickckks and Fool-on Try Club
41. Matthew Shachleton, Full-on Tri Club
42. Matthew Humpage
43. Scott Philips, Team Milton Keins
44. Jonathan Cous, Full on Tri Club
45. Jonathan Furiya, Full on Tri Club
46. Freddy Paling and Banberary Star CC
47. Matthew Demen, Royal Marine Association CC
48. Gregory speckman, grew up
49. Charlie Brit and Paradigi Cycle
50. Peter Fullar, Shils – Doltsini Racing Team
Women 2/3 / 4 / Cats
1. Beth Watson and Jadan Viveth Loll Wello glassed
2. Rebecca Babbage, FTP-Razin …
3. Isabella Boys, Banberry Star CC
4. Jess Brooke, the tail of the Bellwoy Cycling Club
E / 1/2/3 Cat race
1. Cameron is still, replavert coaching
2. Satch Walters, Tap Kalas
3. Jake Hels and Ride Ripluslater coaching
4. Cameron McLaran and Tap Craves
5. Gary Freeman and Dap Cycling Club
6. Craig Patterson, Edinburgh Bike Fitting RT
7. Matthew White, Around RT
8. Gavin Helvel and Ride Riplus Engage
9. Freddie Pet and Vold Top Pecto
10. Matthew Clements, Prime RT
11. Spencer Corder, Rotor race team
12. William Pollard, Team PB performance
13. Allen Willy, Allan Men Rlands
14. Richard Wiggins and Siggurean Racing
15. Daniel David, Racing in Sigur
16. Jason McKRRA, DESETT Eagle Racing
17. Ross Mallon, Royal Air Force Ca
18. Matt Watson,
19. Athhan Fow Lar, Elissyn Kalas Race Team
20. Adam Robertson, Ride Riplava coaching
21. Hugh Oubre and Beston RC
22. William Deale and mud dock racing
23. Toby Bush, BCC Race Team
24. Tamley, Pinvest
25. Adam Caton, Racing
26. Simon Norman and Desert Eagle Racing
27. Matthew Wilson, Ride Riplushach and Coaching
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