Adam Rafertty (HAGEAN RAFERN JAIC) Rhodos Palace tour of Roados Palace (2.2) has made a ride at the Power of Road.
On the second Irish rhyders of this race, the second Season began to be a second and opened a U 23 and opened 7 in TT yesterday. Today, Thursday, was part of a selected group, which includes the rest of the field, which is equal to the pieces.
XDS Astana Development Team and EF Aviser-Evo Ifo Eff Educaroos – Eff Educ.
The main damage just before completing the second intermediate sprint; EF seemed to an introduction of 10 km for the introduction of the education-enallery competition.
The second bonus spring contested the second bonus sprint by the time their work is finished, and the former group was reduced 25 riders. Rafertty is absolutely setting his team mates before the critical stage of the stage.
Left today, including some Raiders Race Leader who defeated Raferti
A 24-year-old Russian Galib Siritta was a 24-year-old Russian Galib.
Despite the rider from his team in the former group, the accident rate was played into Raferty’s hands. Four seconds from 7 am four seconds from 7 in 7 four seconds, to third place.
He is 7 seconds in the Great Guwawa Wang (XDS Astana Development Team) in 2021. 19 Rider won a spherit in the front group.
Since Rafertty winner is 16th, the other Erish riders of this field is a long time.
The C Irish team mate’s mate’s mate’s mate’s mate is the mate mate mate and mate. Michael Collins and Willym O’Coner were ranked 117 and 118 in Greece.
The Cal Titu was ranked 128th in 128th, the Cristiffer Marshall, including Cristoper Marshall 134: 56. The race continues from the road to 156.8 km and the achievement of 2,200 meters and 1 km.