PEZ movies: Lakhlan morton handles the Great Southern Country

Lakhlan morton is not a stranger to push the bounds but his latest challenge ultra tolerance to a new level. In it 2024 September 2024EF Education-Easy Rider has left to break Roughly-Australia cycling recordCover 14,200 km Within 40 days. Severe heat, fatigue and constant Australian buck was fighting and caught Morton’s journey Feature-long “Great Southern Country”His tolerance, determination, unique approach to long distance ride. Here’s how he took one of the most severe endurance that ever tried. ow=fvx2tttsy

Australia’s Laklan Morton Rides for the UCI World Tour, a cyclist, a cyclist, a cyclist, a cyclist, a cyclist. On the contrary, he was noticed from Gibidar, Badlands, Unlimited Graft. 2023 to his racing mountain biking will be almost almost alone in his racing mountain biking and gravel events. Since documents are installed in the Kocopelli’s path and tour divid trail, the Lell Trance has been established in 1821, in 1821, in the past five days for Pelotone that year. In September 2024, he departed to break the record around Australia and this is the subject of the recent video. Play Post Pro Cycling, Kanind and Pok. The main illustration is Acuss Morton, Videographer and Laklane.

Devid Alli was established 13 years ago aimed at beating to beat. In order to get a new record, it is necessary to rider at least 14,200 km to ride at least 14,200 km, and passed through specific cities. During his rides, Morton his Support Crew-Mechanic, Film Crught, Not with Film Crug, Lakhlan Morton is equal to four tours in a month.

His previous all-tour tour of Morton he was re-raised funds in the banner of Australia, and he reinforced the funds to a charity near the house. Local literacy firms. There are many references to the Abergore and the Torres Strait island references to 65,000 years, like this. Because Australia and it calls yourself “Lucky election” This is also inability to listen to beautiful coastal and continents of severe environmental conditions.

Southern Kingdom 2025

The video opens the video with Morton and wife Rachel. Take care that every day is to travel between 200 to 400 kilometers that it is a longest race “Only” 200 miles or 320 km. (Perhaps a unlimited gravel 200 persons refer to a. On the beginning of the NSW, NSWV, the home of NSW, he will not be completed by 200 kg and 500 km. He continues even when no rest days will be deformed from food poisoning and vomiting. The only day that seems to lose his goal, and ridges a freeway with a freeway with up to 10 km ridges on a drain road. The average ride seems to be unable to understand: The first day the first day is 36 km / pace per day.

2024 in the Great Southern country

You should have a special mindset to try a ride like this. Mor is to go beyond the border, because in his view, you only like what you think that you will be doing what you think you can. To ride up to 20 hours a day, often in intensive heat, the ability to focus on the infinitely dead road. Even when the podcasts are listening while the Morton is listening to the stale after some time.

2025 for the Great Southern Country

2025 for the Great Southern Country

Compared to other Ultra-Entraction Riders, the eating of the mood differs, but eating it without stopping eating from the RV, and it is driving with them. His ability to ride riding is amazing from an unkilling and stress that he tolerates the only injuries or stress that is tolerated. In the Waddade pool of a child, they are the end of the day behind the day. Several stops clearly clearly in the hotels, it is clearly in the hotels, he and the trainer enjoy a beer.

Southern Kingdom 2025

The video is a fixed length, in 47 minutes, in 47 minutes, while there is a mile with a mile of empty landscapes, the mile of empty landscapes. At one point, he does not know what day of morton references is or has to ride. In addition to the fact that some of these strites are world class boshome, the famous / popular “rock trains of Australia are” These are big trucks with multiple trailers, roads at high speeds, the vehicle seems everywhere in the video. At one point the morton should take out of the shoulders, but there is no move to go around him.

Southern Kingdom 2025

2025 for the Great Southern Country

One looks shows a lot of people showing in credits “Characters,” They are. A young Australian with a push of the refrigerator across Australia; An elderly couple from sungain coast; A tribal artist; A Frenchman drives motorcycles across the country; They need to get out directly and exclude them directly against a pair of truckers “Crocodile Dundee,” The temperature does not drive in the night (where the temperature (in the northern area means exposure to the Evening evening.

Southern Kingdom 2025

How many days pass through the video, the daily mileage, left. Earlier, it is clear that the mornon rides more than the old record speed. As the final stretching, he becomes worse as the ideas that continue 1200 km. He knows what he is going to do to do and the team needs some management sufficient to complete the ride. When the Sydney Sydney passes, others leave him to meet him, some of them goes to meet him, some of them are working for the conclusion that some of them.

2025 for the Great Southern Country

Southern Kingdom 2025

“Great Southern Kingdom” This is an epic video about an epic country, and the first to do what the Laclan Morton can do it.

“Great Southern Kingdom-Lakhlan Morton around Australia’s record”
February 2025, 1 hour 47 minutes left
A EF PRO Cycling and Earnabouts production
Written and Directed: Scott Donald Mitchell and Angus Morton
Starring: Lakhlan Morton, Rachel Peak, Thomas Hopper, Abraham Seasurs, Atali Brownie

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