Hummer -head adds a Native Extension Library for third-party applications

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Hummerhead declared a native extension library Share. The new library will be allowed to improve the rider experience improved and customize car computers with third party apps. Extension Library Bike Enables Riding to install third party apps directly from the bike computer.

(Photos / Hummer Humerhead)

The launch of the Hamarhead Extension Library is the end of our devices in the original perspective of our devices. In Android, the building is not limited to the city without limit to the town of the city and enables third parties to create a meaningful value to our mutual rider. Although we strongly believe in the power of the cycling community, but is a large brand or developer that works on a side project, an expense library strongly believes us strongly. We are excited to work with the community to add more third-party apps to the extension library of the coming months and the years Jes Burn, Hummer -head Category Director

Hummer Native Extension Library CarHummer Native Extension Library Car

Applications are available now

The following apps are now available on the Hammerhead devices now from March 6 to 2025.

  • Epic riding weather
    This app provides weather forecasts that are personal into account for your speed and place. This combines multiple predictions and the length of the rider gives the exact projection of the weather.
  • GIBLI Tech Inc.
    Using Real Time Aerodynamic Sensors, this app helps to reach the ultimate performance capacity.
  • HDRP hydrate
    The HDRP provides live sweat, providing instant data to sweat, rate and electrolyte levels.
  • HR 2 VP BIPR
    HR 2VP is the cycling app that calculates heart-based strength and send information to your computer.
  • mywindsock
    This app will provide this app helpful and insightful weather data to the sporting community with signature iconic wind lines
  • Friend
    Winp and Win-HK offers a load sulums for the career. Color data fields and workouts from custom alerts.
Hummer's Native Extension Library ClimbingHummer's Native Extension Library Climbing

App Founders & CEOs happy to use their apps now:

Gregory Condern and CEO HR 2 PP BIPR

“Extension Library is the main update that I am waiting. The developers offer the countless opportunities for adding calories and live power with HR 2VP.

David Green, Founding Epic Riding Weather

Hammer Hame is a powerful cycling computer built on Android that enables Developers using standard equipment and languages. Incompatible new features, such as Epic Riding with the new Extension API, advanced new features are directly brought to rides. ”

Mark Aerial, Gblic Tech CEO

The car is the best platform of our J10 sensor as our app has full capacity of our app. This is the option to add the current car to the owners as a plug-and play system, the option to enter the full integrated cycling head unit to control our G 10 sensor. “

Ben Norbury and Founder Myvindsook

“I really pleased to see the live rides of my vindsoed data on Hummer -head devices. This is a great stage to provide riders direct rides direct rides and helps them make better decisions on the road.”

Extension Library Details

Extension Library is easily accessible from the launcher page of your career. Open the extension folder to select an app you want to install. When the updates are available for the app, the user will go back to the Applications in the Extension Library and update the app. W

Adding more third-party apps and the Hummerhead will release additional accessibility updates in the coming months.


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