Act I
– Isaac Newton, Mathematical Principles of Natural Philosophy
This was a normal Monday afternoon. Morning Content Meeting turned up to dose from afternoon afternoon and I was GSD – Getn was shit. I feel better about my day when I move from one thing to another. What is next? Oh okay. Abraham, I planned to drive later in the afternoon. Unless the sky is open. If nothing comes to work. If, if. IFs are mine. Sometimes I am the ruler of the land. In my world, the job scattered down the daily basis. Newton’s inaction is very effective, and Rolling downhel and roll and roll the downhelle and you can get things from your list and how we can do things from your list. But Sir Isak’s contemporary James Helvel will like a word. Not all work and play … When he began, rushing around the house, get her riding gear together …Jack makes the blurred boy.
Mything outside the passengers are outside the passengers – the presence of heavy rains (or) on the table of heavy rains in the patio table. When the water ponds in a corner of driveway will win the rain. Markers were verified. There is no rain yet. A look at my watch 4º C. Not cool, cool. However, anyone who lived in a coastal environment is known to be colder than four degrees and humidity-5.
I go out to check my bike. Change tire pressure and check the thumb network for the remaining lube. I was no more than five minutes but if I was slowly builded by the day, I still still on my table, my adequate-sufficient office activated. Like the intention to weaken the Governing Governing as a Sleeper Cell. Sudium crossed in the inside.
It is a familiar feeling in the shoulders of shoulders. In combination with the terms of the winter, it will receive a bad condition from the arrival of the worst conducive cells from the decked island This is the place Investures another 10 mm investment of 10mm neptune than you can tell I would bring the right rain jacket. A tendency to pay a lot of attention to this debt, takes a struggle, touching the touch of seasonal affectative disorder, especially in the marginal days I avoid a ride in the marginal days. I know I move out and move out. I know that I didn’t do. That knowledge does not always translate to the decision to go.
We all can all contact these feelings. I want to know better than letting root but don’t mean I will always win the battle. These times have a plan and a friend, help you to move you to stick to you and help you fight and go there. When it fights it alone, my pass percentage is dropping. I’m ok for not all war, but I know I will lose the battle.
‘Let’s go with a feet of fence smoking a foot and I’m doing a phone call. This is the wrong mood. On the other hand, the person at the other end of the line will be expelled from your inaction and help you get your donkey in a bike. In one way, they are your safety net. Monday, and my security net was called Abraham.
The text came to vising the text as I called out of my place on top of the fence.
“Yo – we were out of our marine swim.
From the last summer, friend is swimming every day in his partner. In the case that I will be a stress and a pressure on the gase, around five minutes outside the Pacific – around five minutes, and he spoke with a smile on the face.
There was no way and a way – without me.
The phone took the phone in the second time when I was going to the air as I call. “Hey, what do you think?” He asked. “Well,” I said, “I That was You’re going to be chilling to cool and complain, but you’re off the ocean, so I can’t use it! “
We’ve checked the radar. Light green turned to the blue color in our sector. If anything, a small frost will be better than rainfall. “We don’t have to make it a long one,” he offered grams. “Let us see 15 Check 15, I think you like it”.
My desire to avoid disturbing my desire to overcome my soul to the announcement of the future I will throw myself in my self.
“Let us do it,” I said.
In the truck we load the bikes and at the time of the way to the sidewalk, my mood has almost changed. Think of the no longer I was not afraid of the rapid squallers who are not afraid of the rapidly moving squalls that were not afraid of the rapidly moving squalls. Graham Happy Chatter
Of course, one of the subjects of the rolling dialogue – the news of FSR’s NonScript section – is very cool. Photo: Abraham Draid
The rest of the story is familiar. സവാരി മികച്ചതായി പോയി, ഞങ്ങൾ ചിരിച്ചു, ഞങ്ങൾ ചിരിച്ചു, ഞാൻ ശരിക്കും ഭയങ്കര-ബൈക്ക്-ഒരു ബൈക്ക്-എ-ബൈക്ക്-എ-ബൈക്ക് ഒരു ബൈക്ക്-എ-എ-എ-എ-എ-എ-എ-ബൈക്ക്, അന്തിമമായി, എന്റെ താഴത്തെ കാലുകൾ നനഞ്ഞ പശിമരാശി. I thought my dog looked small and stupid laugh on my face.
Abraham takes two cold biel from his bag and we walked up to the sunshine from the truck. The views of Davis Bay and Sameylama are extended under us, and the sun goes out, and it is real, and it is yet to be realized.
Everyone needs some good riding friends. Sometimes it is needed a small push to switch it for pre-ride hump. Sometimes it will be. Photo: Denis Mardonano