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Repeatedly or Jorgenson defended his Paris-good title with exaggerated dominance, but not going to stop there.
After winning one of the second prestigious week for the second year of cycling, Gorsensen said his ambitions beyond the coat de Azum.
The next great goal? A Grand Tur.
“Now it’s time to lift the bar,” said Jorgenson Sunday. “My career is one of my career. Before that it was impossible. I never thought I could never get Paris – now I won twice.”
It is a big care, but with his rapid rise in the amazing lotule, the next logical step is the ultimate challenge of the next logical step cycling cycling. Tour de France and Grand Tours Slowly off to his radar.
Maybe this year may not be, but the good week of Jonas Wingard, Georgeon’s Number of the team will be quicker than the team’s number.
Can he do that?
Ok, let’s let us talk to.
Grand Tour Desiramities of Radar: ‘That’s a goal now’
Jorgenson continues to surprise the top of the Pelotone on his all time and successful journey.
2024 Season with a Breakout, which includes a top-10 enclosed by a top-10 included in DE, paris-10 included in the DE.
Georgeon’s said that the three-week run was never part of his DIY MasterPlan but it became changed.
It was something that I thought so much, “he said Sunday.” The team asked myself on Sunday. Yes, one of my career is a goal now. “
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His victory in the parse of the Paris, won the second year last year, he did not even act in the second year.
Georgenset’s Skilling – Climbing, Time-Trialing, Muscagees of the future measuring campaigns around the pack.
Is he very large? If he has skills and mood to deliver in three weeks, the most interesting and most attractive goal of men’s professional cycling?
Jorgenson admits that he doesn’t know, but now he is ready to throw his cards to the table.
“I can’t say that I am able to get a great tour, but at least I should try,” he said. “I want to work for it.”
Now there are more questions than answers.
However, US fans will love it.
Large muscles inside the team bus: ‘gives my perspective’

A ride needs to lead a team to achieve a Grand Tour.
Jorgenson reveals a bike for every success, however, as he is slowing down the luckers, just as he was slowing to the luckers, he accept the challenge.
“The guardian (boss), no, but the leader, yes, and asking about his growing profile.” One of the leaders of this year, the team asked me to become a leader of the team. It is an object of the team’s master leadership to give my opinion on meetings.
V-lab This week was released a video In the social media, talking in social media, which is in pre-stage meeting to talk to the tactics, in a pre-stage meeting to talk.
Read: The Wangma ‘Dream team’ reveals Wangma ‘Dream Team In France
It is shown to come to the team that is one of the best transfers in the window last year.
Behind the scenes, the teacher bends the muscles of the teacher. First, he withdrew in the leadership of Giro de Italya, because another season wanted to progress before taking a Grand Tour of GC Push.
Secondly, the team wants to be sent to Teroruno-Adriatito, but the second was forced to drive nice diseases with Paris-Nice.
“I decided to drive Ternero. In November, we discussed the calendar here, jonas wanted to come to Paris, and I was even rational. Just before the winter training I said, “Well, I’m thinking ‘and’ Nyriss ‘work to work in the winter.’ Both of them agreed.”
The decision was paid because Jorgenson has given another confidence determination success.
The decision of the Winggard has also proved the right also.
Increases cold and stress

Getting a Grand Tour is a team commitment and trust from a team. Only back room staff and sport directors are included, but includes an or seven passengers who sacrificates their own opportunities for the benefit of organization.
The ride that greeting the leadership greeting can return to a ride.
Jorjanson’s music-good-good-looking-good-free weather has been charged with a growing team leader alone.
In spite of the brutal cold, Georgeon firmly stands in Paris every week – good.
“I’m glad that looked like that,” he said with laughter. “I was well supported by this week. We know that today is the case in the mountains.
Prime ™ Rogly č Now the opponent Red Bul-Hans Grand Cuz – Last American Grand Tour Domestic The role of the helper is the top space of the team range from Georgeon to Muscle.
There is a team of a team and a half war to win in any race, and be in a Grand Turight or ODI.
Georgeensian faced some demons that came in the form of cruel cold. Instead of becoming the chief minister, he made the capital of opportunity.
“(Saturday) Les logs in loggs, jonas first in the cold of my career,” he said. “I have a small mciyano now, but the cold has affected me very badly.
“I was really suffering, I had sky gloves, I still had hands and legs,” he said. “T is certainly the easiest week. Every stad was introduced. I was happy like a day. I’m happy to sleep here.
Bakling excluded Bakling under pressure to exclude the Jurvarn and exchanging success. During this time the entire organization will be remembered beyond.
Pivot to the classes

Georgeon History was built by the first American to win the back-to-back versions of Paris.
The headed stuff. But make the Grand Tour
He is committed to helping the hangaring to hunting a legend in an epic who was rebuilt in this summer.
Read: ‘I get a high chance when they are unlikely than him’
Next, three races, E 3 Saxso Classic, a title prevalent in a small interval, and then the more high, and then Rogli can deny him.
So it means he will avoid Milano-Zanmo this weekend.
“I want to choose my races a little, because when I get too much, I get to a place that loses faith,” he said. “Every year I choose to start and start all races to achieve something as a goal. Yes, it is a race to achieve a lot.
In an interview with WellGeorgeenson again confirmed the commitment to racing the one-day class and stage competitions.
The United GC Prospect: ‘I should try to try’

Gorgenson comes as a surprise candidate for the men’s Grand Tour.
With a decade, a decade was successful in a decade in a decade.
Brandon McNalty (UAE Emirates – Xergi), GC skills drive titles, while the UAE’s mega skiplets help the UAE’s mega skiplets.
The younger, increasing skills (and the growing grenaders) and Mathew Redextyketlo (Israeli Premier Tech) are developed.
Read: Georgeanson dares for the dream of Yellow Jersey
They leave the Yorgenson on top of the heaps and will not go away from being able to sneak the opportunity.
Georgeon agrees that it is a great secret, but he is excited and trembling him to work and work to work.
“I can’t say I have the ability to achieve a great tour,” he said. “But at least I should try.”
Wingegard’s Tour Dian Leadership is well established, at least, Gorgeenson emerged as the second GC captain of Wala in Grolad in Vela.
Can he be able to achieve a Grand Tour? It can’t say that.
The Peloton’s shallow and mastery are the season. Not everyone wins at 22 tour. Jorgenson is on the right track.
He exceeds expectations throughout his professional career, so why stop now?
Back-to-Back Paris-good successes, he is going to give him a chance.