Emotional Magfield High

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Many knowing the story of Magnus Sheffeels will take place on Sunday.

The tall rider from Pittsford in New York is a talled athlete, but he faced the final wage of Paris.

2023 Tour de Sussale The most difficult moments in the crash include that difficult times.

He was experiencing a stability, but the great stabilization Geeuno Midar is tragic. The Swiss rider was injured in the same accident.

Sheffield shook deeply in the crash and offered the tribute of the fallen co-worker.

“I don’t really know where to start,” he told ITovi that his victory was better. “I have been up and down from my first year professional. So it means a lot of me so much.

“There are a lot of people who want to say thank you but I want to submit to this victory is gino mortar.

“It’s already two years since we miss gino. Although I don’t know him in person, I was at that accident.

“I don’t really know that he can get a race after that,” he’s struggled.

It was possible, he proved it.

‘This means a lot’

Sheffield has a tough time in recent years. (Photo: Chris Old / Velo)

Sheffield is still 22 years old, but his skills are very high.

The World Junior Road Race Championships in 2015, he completed the third in 2019 and a stad on the Season.

In 2021, he contested the rally cycling and started a multi-year contract with grenides in 2021.

However, the Mushered crash was shocked and stabilized him in 2023, shocked him, he was racing for three months.

The success of Sunday is the victory of Sunday after that danger, considerably the biggest success of his career.

That is a large leap.

“It really is unbelievable,” he said in Finish, and the eyes refused to wipe the eyes.

“I have a lot more time now. It is my first success in the world. It means much. Cycling and which race is very difficult to achieve.”

Sheffield, located at a distance of 34 km from 34 km, the green Jersey Madhs Pederen (Lid-Trek) included Peter.

Pederzen sends 3.4 km from Call De Asia from colonel de quatre Kimmics in Kimmics.

The remaining 12.4 km of the remaining the US change (a whom lease) was fixed in 12.4 km.

Jorgenson was on the way of paying offless leader, the second consecutive victory of Paris.

But as he was, Sheffield will not be taken.

‘My Gearce does all kinds of strange things’

La Cott St. Marce - Mar 13: A bike - March 13: A bike leads - 56.3 km / #Uciwt / 2025 from St. Paris. (Bernard Papon - Pool / Getty Images
Eventure Race Wajjan leads to a stage in the stage of Jorgeson Paris-Nice. The Sheffield last step will be taken to the Yellow Jersey

Racing dating on the Racing Dyinging The famous promined Des Anglis should be considered one of the memorable experiences of his life.

Soon after the solution, the Sheffield Finition is immediately followed.

His smile was a former instant of a former instant of hot tubes, and a former instant of the hot tubes.

As soon as the line, the line, a beaming Sheffield shoulder Georgeon tapped. Both riders warm hands. A wonderful measures of worship, in a worship measures, in a worship measures, jumps behind a bike ride before a worship measures.

The thoughts of thoughts have returned to their own success and how it came.

“Today we made a good plan on the bus,” he told the role of checking his feelings.

“We didn’t give up. We tried to use boys in the first climb. Believe in the plant, don’t give up. ‘ Josh (Tiving) was incredibly in the climb, so we continued to speed.

“Then we had numbers, so it was to play our cards properly. Changed (Georgeon) Lipovitz is isolated.

She feels better and feel better after he beat Jets again and survived his time.

“I know that I know I’m more powerful than him so I know that I want to use as much as possible.

“My gears turned out and did all sorts of odd.

“I am very happy to cross the finish line first.”

‘He deserves it and he was really strong’

Cedal Evans Great Ocean Road Race (Photo: Chris Old / Velo)
Cedal Evans Great Ocean Road Race (Photo: Chris Old / Velo)

Jorgenson was flying, and other GC contestants left all left. However, winning yellow would have been a great experience, he said he was happy about the result.

“It’s really funny, Magus and I were in the same junior team, hot tubes cycling,” he explained.

“I was awesome to see him before me. I was trying to get him out. He was worthy of this stage. He was strong all the week.

“This is very interesting. Paris-good turns to an American race, I think.”

The overall gc with two US riders is definitely a remarkable benefit.

This is a rare, and be able to enjoy completely.

Sheffield has underlined the value of achieving his army.

He raised him up and down throughout his career. I think he will win today, it shows it to American cycling and any small child who wants to start, “he said.

This is definitely inspiring us for the US scene.

Once things go to the project, the final outcome would have become more beautiful.

Sheffield revealed that there were great ambitions than going to the race.

“Unfortunately I wanted to do the best I can in GC,” he said.

“I was well prepared for the past few weeks. Unfortunately that cool day it was neutralized and we really suffered when we were in cars.

“This is unfortunate but again you can’t give up cycling. That’s what I learned today.”

What is next?

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Sheffield Sunday including happiness

The accident with the gino insem was experienced, calm, and it led to Swiss Climbers to the loss of Swiss Climbers.

Sheffield affected badly but now supports track now.

The fallen Swiss rider has submitted a win, is a proper honor, and the Mider’s family, friends and former teammates are.

Sheffield looks rounded in a corner and will make more momentum from this stage. He is still very young riding, and more powerful and strong in the years ahead.

He too will inspire the grenianine team and inspired by his victory.

The second will follow his efforts and resting for the next lot of determination.

He is modern and sunday afternoon.

“I think the sky is the limit,” he said.

“I came to this race and want to ride as much as possible. I have really suffered more than other boys. Again, I still don’t want to take anything for granted.

“I’ve got to win today, so I think my ability is after the seven tough days of the racing.”

What is his great goal?

“I think a yellow jersey is dragged,” he replied.

It is not the next goal.

“Looking at the classics now, Ardens,” he said.

“It’s still a very long season. Again, for me to cross my hands with my hands on the air. So I want to enjoy it.”

He should do. He is more than it earned.

“I have scored two years for two consecutive years and it’s crazy to say”

Georgenson Rock-Solid in Paris, Corblestone classes, Tur D France.

As a 22-year-old mugwoman for the USA, a great day of the US win the final stage of the Sun Sun ‘Sun.


(Image or embedded)

– Well (@ Velo-velo-velo.bsky.Skial) 16 March 2025 at 17:11

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