British cycling introduces a new strategy – and a new period of time? – Singletrak World Magazine

British cycling was launched New strategy That will work in the years ahead. In the present program of BBC Radio 4, it was the new period of the organization as a British cycling, and the organization ‘of the organization in cycling want to address the inequalities.

This is a few difficult years with descriptions that show 9,000 members. If the membership is raising, you will imagine that more people can bring out the cycling British cycling membership. Therefore, the new strategy does not lead to “supporting and growing”. However, “Sport” However, the ‘advocate’ of the world’s goal is “well succeeded” is a priority. Perhaps, interesting, it is a third goalkeeping now, and the possibilities of cycling to make social change. Here are three of their words:

  1. To support and grow sports: Cycling can experience the happiness and benefits of cycling, travel, travel, or leisure regardless of more diverse, background, gender and ability.
  2. To lead to the world stage: The position of Britain is the most competitive cycling kingdom of medals, but wins ‘well’ and successful with “Well, the integrity, and innovation.
  3. To have a social influence on: Use cycling to help people live healthy, more active life to deal with inequality and management for positive change.

The words with a press release emphasize social and healthy benefits as a result of cyclinging:

“Cycling is authorized to transform life, and yet many people face stubbone interruptions to get in a bike.

“Now, hundreds of children to access thousands of children are not accessible to everyone – this is more than the sport.

British cycling CEO John Dutton

British cycling creates an base in the social impacts, it focuses on social impacts, and it will be conducted by the centralism of commercial events.

The drone is added, “We will try to provide a private change in cycling through our planned charitable hand and social impact program and partnership ventures.

This brave and brave strategy that fully agree to the board of board of directors. We fully support the executive team, we want to grow the important progress we have recently done. We expect more supported against our ambition that more people are found, and more people have been the joy of cycling and have an unpragortive impact on communities around the country. ”

Frank Slivin British Cycling Chair

In recent years, the British cycling was focused on the matter of the British cycling matters and the expenditure of their reflecting. The Accounts up to 2024 The GB cycling team cost was more than $ 10 million, ‘Cycling Delivery’ £ 8.5m. When you look closely in the cycling delivery collapsed, most of it focuses on clubs and competition. ‘Something’ in ‘Regional Delivery is £ 0.47 for the restarting cycling’.

It is interesting to see that the future budget is focused on the share of the future – we asked British cycling to provide more information about the funding for three different weapons. Cycring or Transportment Activity As a Cycling Act (a competitive sport), to some extent, but create the benefits of making changes to making changes.

The cycling provides such benefits to the community such as a physical health and mental welfare. Therefore, it is exciting to see the vision of British cycling to face inequalities, so more people can enjoy these benefits across their communities. I brought me so happy for years, and it brings for everyone.

Swurring Olympic gold medalist Sophie Capell

“Cycling I gave it too much in life but it’s more than sport. Now it’s a long-time skill.

“The new strategy of British cycling is changing the game that changes the game, it makes more people feel more people than it was before.

Read a world and European medalist Shanas

Increasing physical activity, we know that NHS will reduce and improve the NHS stresses and support better health miss. Cycling can commit more accessible, especially children, young people and communities, unreasonable communities, help us to a healthy and active Britain.

“Create a few people to ride more and help you to get riding in the challenges we will be able to improve our plan for the country.

Stefani Maii, Sport, Media, Civil Society, Young

Access to bikes seems to be planning to address British cycling to the address. But accessing a bike is only a portion of the image – safe places need safe places to keep the safe places to ride. British cycling asked the desirable of policy, infrastructure and access issues. Since the cycling UK is very active than British cycling, we would like to understand whether the British cycling would like to work more in these areas.

More information if we get it. Now, you can read the strategy Here.

I have arrived in Singletratch I decided to live more than meetings. I like all the bikes but is particularly unusual. I like what bikes is more than bikes. I think they connect people and places; Those cycling creates a relationship between us and our environment; Bikes creates communities; Give independence; Bring joy; Improve fitness. They create an environmentally friendly and friendly atmosphere. I try to write all this in the hope that the joy of the bikes find others.

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