Bikko is printing the MTB Sadddddd in half of the 3D match

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This new Bikeyok Sagma wants to shake the 3D Mountain Bike Sabbike industry and offer 3D-printing support for the price of some brands. The Zone you get from the printed padding is influenced by the Son of the printed padding and the bikeyk is called their new Sangma 3DMaybe the most comfortable sardle you have ever ran“The 300-printed Sadils are hovered in $ 300-400 / 300-400 €.

Bikeyoke Sagma 3D-printed saddle is very low

(Images / bikeyock)

New Sagma 3D is the successor of the Sagma Sadil that the bikeyk is already interested in. The debut in 2019, it offered the slow-ribound memory IDBABs foam padding, unique vibration decocor style rail structure. Light versions with conventional rails in 2022. I dropped a little bit in my mountain bikes and they are worth the bikio’s chosen padding and the floating rail design.

The 3D-affected 3D-printed 3D-printed sardd luxilization, internal structureThe 3D-affected 3D-printed 3D-printed sardd luxilization, internal structure
Sagma 3D 3D-printed support structure

But now the bikeyoke says that now, Sagma can make Sagma better to make Sagma more … 3D printed padding.

Why is the first 3D-printed saddle?

3D printed saddles are now hot. That for two good reasons.

Physics One-Time Carbon Cycle printed Carbon Cycle, Corey's Invalid Pressure MapPhysics One-Time Carbon Cycle printed Carbon Cycle, Corey's Invalid Pressure Map
(Photo / Cory Benson)

The initial concept is possible to be possible to be possible possible of possible loades. Design Latis Production Spends to become easily transferred to the designers (free thick) easily (free thick) easily (free thickening), the quality of support to individual areas with a single material. Under your SIT bones, a saddle can be more stringious and supported under your soft tissue.

But unique padding has changed to a commercial scale to require your own pressure on your own pressure. Possedla has been doing this for 3 years by creative low-tech pressure map setup. In the summer season, Smart Pressure all over the Physic world led to the sensors independently of the fits cycles. But both of these, about 500-600 / 450-500 €.

Bikko's 3D-printable 3D-printed saddle convenience, support zonesBikko's 3D-printable 3D-printed saddle convenience, support zones
Sagma 3D support zones

The generalized saddle pressure needs to be maped to set up special zones for a bit accessible price-wise and imperialist fit. Bijoy, Physics, Prologa, Cell Italy, Cell Italy, Cell Italy and Cell Son Marco This is the solution. But cheaper is usually 300 and high. I think specialized, and one dropped up to $ 200.

Now, Bikko is giving his own 3D-printed zoned support to more accessible pricing.

Sagma 3D Technologies

Bikeyoke Sagma 3D Minimum cost 3D- printed saddle, 130 or 142 mmBikeyoke Sagma 3D Minimum cost 3D- printed saddle, 130 or 142 mm
130 mimi or 142 mm wide

Sagma is available in many different configurations, which is available in different configurations, and all the same 3D printed TPU top designs to share the same 3D.

3D printed 3D printed Saddadu facility, rail suspension shell3D printed 3D printed Saddadu facility, rail suspension shell

Your Rail Suspension 3 Density, Shock-absorbed concentrations offers users to bike (RSD) Bikke (RSD) Bikke (RSD). This design allows you to rock slightly to the sides to the sides following the motion of your body when pedaling.

3D-star-printed 3D-printed 3D-printed sardide, traditional shell3D-star-printed 3D-printed 3D-printed sardide, traditional shell

Or there are more traditional light versions of a typical lighter slaughter with traditional rails.

Either you can choose metal or carbon rails.

Technical details

The 3D affecting 3D-printed 3D-printed sardide luxilization, measurementsThe 3D affecting 3D-printed 3D-printed sardide luxilization, measurements
  • 3D to prevent dirt & mud with the tope matrixed top designed top designed top designed top design
  • Nylon shells fastened by carbon fiber
  • A total of 132 mm long or 130 mm narrow or 142 mm wide is available in width
  • Sagma 3D Saddles Feature feature bolt-on 7×10 MM UD Carbon Rails or 7X10 MM fake
  • Claimed claims: 240 grams, 130 mg carbon, 130 ml alloy alloy, 142mm carbon, 250 g, 142mm or 270g
  • Sugma presents the 3D light saddles in 7×10 MMM and 7MM round tube Rails
  • Claim weight: 205 g, 130mm of 130 MMRMo 215G, 142 mm carbon, 142 MMRMO 270 g
  • Transferable rubber tags and RSD balls add a touch – gray, black, orange or pink

Bikkek Sagma 3D – Pricing, Options, Availability

Bikkekek Sagma 3D low cost 3D-printed salad, support Rails or traditional railwayBikkekek Sagma 3D low cost 3D-printed salad, support Rails or traditional railway
Sagma 3d (l) Or Sagma 3D light (R)

The new bikeyoke Sague Sague Saddam Saddal is sold for Aluminum Suspends for Aluminum Suspension for Aluminum Rails. Sagma 3D will cost you 250/250 € you have 250/250 €. Simple Bikeyock with traditional rails sells for $ 160/160 with 3D light chronly rails. Or sells Sagma 3D light with the most light-weighted version and carbon rails as 200/200 €.

Bikkek Sagma 3D Minimum Cost 3D- Printed Sardide, Color CustomizationBikkek Sagma 3D Minimum Cost 3D- Printed Sardide, Color Customization

They are all quality with the black rubber tag logo. For light suppides, it is 2.5 € to get a color tag. For Rail suspension Sadils, Achodized Rail Attachment Bolts will cost 12 € to get the touch of color that includes the touch of color.

All of them get directly from bikkic, or through their distribution partners. As I reviewed this week, you will take a new bikeyake barmioc barmerioke bikeyk barmioc of 35mm comfort.

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