We are sad to declare that the Bikarodar forum will end on March 17, 2025.
If you are a member of the forum, the most common questions about closing these FAQs will be answered.
Why is the bicurada forum paying?
In July 2007, the Bikarodar Forum website helped to share hundreds of cyclists in the 18 years since the same period.
The forum began on Facebook is in its infancy and is not currently. Online communities would not be expanded for about two decades before.
However, we cannot support the Beckerudar forum that means constantly operating action.
When does the form pay forum?
Since Monday, March 17, 2025, the Bikarodar Forum will no longer read ‘only’ only ‘to read’ before it eliminates.
What happens to my posts, pictures, attachments and private messages?
After the end of the forum, March 17, all forum data – posts, attachments and private messages – posts, attachments and private messages. This is expecting to be Monday 2025 April 2025 April.
Posts, pictures, attachments or private messages, please you want to keep any of your forum content, please Copy and save Before Midnight 16 March 2025 March 2025.
Unfortunately, after this date, we can’t recover a forum and the data for you.
What happens to my forum account and login details?
As part of the closing of our account, depending on the payment of, depending on the closing of closing Privacy Policy. If you have signed up for a Bicheradar newsletter, you will accept it.
Will it be commented on the main bicer website?
The main bcererator comment does not impact the forum by paying the forum. You will continue to comment on our dislobing provider discuss and will continue to comment on articles and reviews.
How can I stay in a part of the Baptized Society?
A society of similar-minded riders makes the Bickeradar very much more important.
Our comments are active in our opinion. Responds to the questions and engages in discussion. We love interacting with our readers and are committed to finding new ways to combine your views and feedback to your views.
In time, Bicaredar forum is a valuable information source for new cyclists. When the forum ends, the questions demanding the most common questions will be ensured in the contents of the Buxeradar.com.
To contact the Bicterer Community, beyond our website, you can find us YouTube, Instagram And FacebookYou can hear the Bercerader podcastam directly from the bikeeader team. You can continue all the latest news from BCeror by our newsletter – sign up here.
How can I contact with you?
If you have another question, you can email the forumHelp@bikeradar.com and we will return to you.
Thank you for everyone who has contributed to the Bikaradar forum since 2007.
We appreciate your continuing support, thanks for being part of the bicerder.
Bikaradar team