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Yes, MRP Cage Guard is only a small plastic. But this means the difference between the most affordable price, valuable derelly replacement or some scraps. Call the 30 level insurance policy against daralelUR chres.
Now, MRP has a new cage guard to protect the latest 12 Speed Shimano Maountain bike Derelillrils. Shimano XTR & XT is not equal to mechanical derelillers, if it drives rocks with rocks, you can save some money!
MRP Cage Guard Shimman is protecting 12 speed mtb derelillars
A few months ago MRP introduced a small bolt skid plate for expensive electronic pailillers, which is 650/700. A mechanical shemano Extr Dereloor is compared to $ 260/265 € But they are still a precious piece kit, I worry about the rough rock plantations. Hanging up on a rock is worth half the
but why?

Modern 1 XM Draitts with Modern 1 XMTB Drive Give Huge Casset Spreads means very close to the ground, even at the age of 29. I have scraps around the Lower Pottage in all the current all the mountain bike derelere. As far as the alloy cages are, it is mostly cosmetic force. But every goumil is telling the story of a derileiler hanging on a rock, and perhaps a Percy or hangar is slightly bending, but also from tiring. Then, with the extrade carbon cage (see below), Each one of the impacts and scrapes and scraps are the risks that destroy the risks, and it will eventually be broken.

The cages are reduced to the small plastic skid plate of the MRP, the small plastic skid plate of the MRP, a hand and feet are decreased. Although this is not the implementation of the crazy expensive in a mechanical derellylole, still means you run your bike and do not search for a substitute.

Think of your deralelUR cage as a classic low-friction replacing your cooking.
Many broken derailers have been able to save 8G piece of 8G piece MRETP thermoplastic, but it is almost lower.
MRP Cage Guard – Pricing, Shinano Compatibility and Availability

Selling the small delhin plastic MRP Cave Guard for $ 30, Directly from mountan racing products. MRP Machines They are ideal for Colorado Mecado 12 Speed Shimano Mount Roamen Bike Deorelillers.
MRP 9100 model M9100 model M9100 DRALBERS (in all cage length) is officially stated that the carbon cage matches the carbon cage. Additionally, M8100 DERALLEERS (there is a special XT 8100 model that matches the length aluminum cages. But they have not yet been confirmed. Note, it is Not XTM 8130 Lincipeed 11 SP is compatible with derailillur.
SRAM T-type guards are still available. We will not surprise another Cage Guard option when the spring / summer season is expressive.
Increasing a crude clearing hook of all MRP cage guards. Everything comes with extended stainless steel bolt to easily install your gours.