Bavia and BVB in quarter final: How will you continue in the Champions League? | Game

The last eighth round comes!

The newly modified runs Champions League Next and next round. In the quarter, eight teams are still fighting to semi-minels. When will it go forward, who is there, actually rectning? You have all information with the build.

Champions League: How did the 16 round go?

The German Devtants between FC Baren and the Boyer Levewsen have failed to defeat VersaChelphine (3: 0, 2: 0). So the “final Dahome” is the dream of living. K. The third German team in the round was the remaining narrow against OSC Lilli.

Realty shootout was able to win Real Madrid in the role of Lord Derby Madrayo, “Derby Madrayo”. After a galai presentation in the first leg (7: 1) subsenerally, FC Arsenal took his driver. Inter Milan is through two successes against Dharsuan Rotterdam. PSG and Liverpool held two with the best aims for Paris. The Duwal representative clubs and title beloved ritual bansalum and the Title Tri Diabath Blossom Barcelona have achieved the Duwal representative clumps.

Who moved in the quarter-win?

  • FC Arsenal
  • FC Bayern
  • real Madrid
  • Borasia Dortmund
  • Aston Villa
  • Inter Milan
  • Paris St. Jeremane
  • FC Barcelona

Cova č: “We’ve played very aggressively”

They are: Image / bvb

When is the quarter-Qnaths take place?

The quarter-final takes place on April 8th and 9. The second legs will be held between April 15 and 16 after the week.

Does the Champions League Quarter Final?

No! K. -. A fixed tournament trea in the round. Only 16 was drawn only, and then paired. Thus, the first of the league was ranked second in the final. Reason: Teams merged into a couple (second and fourth, fourth, etc.).

► This is the quarterfinal feudal duals:

FC Arsenal real Madrid
PSG Aston Villa
FC Barcelona Borasia Dortmund
FC Bayern Inter Milan

What is next after the quarter-Qurucks?

The semi-final games follow after the quarter-final. The first four of the last four will be held on April 29 and 30 on April 29 and 30. The second legs take place on May 6 and 7 at the next week.

The final of the Champions League season was in Aniilage Arena on May 31, 2025 in Munich. Is there the next “final dahome” for FC Bayne after 2012? There was a defeat of bitterness at the time. All this year should be different.

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