Novak Jokovichichichichich and Nick Kiriji are the legal challenge (Picture: Getty)
The ATP gave a length statement to other players that launch the legal challenge, Nick Kiros and Tennis Governments. ക്രോക്കോവിച്ച്, വാസക് പോസ്പിസിലി എന്നിവർ രൂപീകരിച്ച പ്രൊഫഷണൽ ടെന്നീസ് പ്ലെയൻസ് അസോസിയേഷൻ (പി.ടി.ടി.ടി.ടി.ടി.ടി.ടി.ടി.ടി.ടി.ടി.ടി.ടി.ടി.ടി.ടി.ടി.ടി.ടി.ടി.ടി.ടി.ടി.ടി.ടി.ഇ.ടി.ടി.
ഡൊക്കോവിക്, പോസ്പിസിൽ, കിരിഗ് എന്നിവരുൾപ്പെടെയുള്ള നിലവിലുള്ള 12 കളിക്കാരുണ്ട്, പി.പി.ടി.ടി.ടി.ടി.ടി.ടി.ടി.ടി.ടി.ടി.ടി.ടി.ടി.ടി.ടി.ടി.ടി.ടി.ടി.ടി.ടി.ടി.ടി.ടി.ടി.ടി.ടി.ടി.ടി.എ.ടി. In a statement, they revealed in a ‘systematic abuse, contested methods and player welfare for decades. The list of the allegations is eight sub sections, and they are:
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ATP responded by the 320 word statement, it പി.പി.ടി.ടി.ടി.ടി.ടി.ടി.ടി.ടി.ടി.ടി.ടി.ടി.ടി.ടി.ടി.ടി.ടി.ടി.ടി.ടി.ടി.ടി.ടി.ടി.ടി.ടി.ടി.ടി.ടി.ടി.ടി.ടി.ടി.ടി.ടി.ടി.ടി.ട ി.ടി.ടി.ടി.ടി.ടി.ടി.ടി.ടി.ടി.ടി.ടി.ടി.ടി.ടി.ടി.ടി.ടി.ടി.ടി.ടി.ടി.ടി.ടി.ടി.ടി.ടി.ടി.ടി.ടി.ടി.ടി.ടി.ടി.ടി.ടി.ടി.ടി.ടി.ഇ.
The statement begins: “After the Beginning ATP tourage in 1990, ATP was played for the global growth of men’s professional tennis globally.
“For more than three decades
“Introduction to a gift money formulas, record adjustment on-site prize money, new and developed bonus pools in the last five years.
ATP’s Baseline program is introduced in the best 250-largest economic security that provides unprecedented economic security of professional tenants.
The allegations refused the allegations Described as “without complete Merit ‘ (Picture: Getty)
These advances have been achieved through ATP’s administrative structure through the ATP’s administrative structure, all elected representatives selected. “
In spite of the legal claims, the players are forcing the players ‘to maintain an advanced control of the players’ and questioning its relevance in sports.
This continues: “Players, players, the players retain the advanced control of their schedules, allowing them to look and train their careers.
“ATP continue to provide usual reforms in multiple levels, PPTTTC.
“We Strongly Reject The Premise of the Ptpend Ourout Merit, and whimed vigoressly defend motion. Atp Remains COMMITTED TO WORKING IN THE BEST InterESTS OF WORKING IN The Game, Towards Continued GrownuT, Financial Stability, Financial Future For Our Players, Tournaments and Fans. “
While the Wta SAID: “The PTPA’s ACTION IS BOTH RETTTABRETTTABRETTTABED OUR POSITION VIGORSIZYE, MEMBERSHIP Organization or Membership Organization. Advance Women’s Tennis On Behalf of Players, Tournaments, and Fans. Wta Players, As Equal Members Alongside TournamentS, have an essment and influential voice in the Governance of the Governance of the Governance of the Governance of the Governance of the Governance of the Governance of the Governance.
Each decision taken by the WTA Arc level is getting significant financial rewards and other benefits from their elected board delegates. Athletes in the WTA This allowed to achieve significant progress for our players.
“In the next time, we are committed to the Player compensation in the recent years, which is a path to a path of self-employed athletes in women’s sport.
“WTA is complete to develop and evolve the structure and action of Professional Women’s Tennis.