What is VHS standing for?

VHS cassettes were initially developed in the engineers who work for JVC Corporation in 1971. Unlike their old video recording technologies, nasews machines gave a series of lead engineers. For example, cassettes and players, already need to match family owned televisions. The necessary cases needed to catch a two-hour material needed to catch the material, but the image quality should be better like broadcasting tv. All the players that match the video cameras are needed and will not be difficult to maintenance. Most importantly, they need affordable.

Shirshi and Thamaum started working with the team, but when Javil experienced financial hit, the project was fixed soon, when the project was finished, forced them to cut budget for their VHS Research team. However, Shireshi and Tanhano work in the scheme and invented a VHS prototype by 1973.

At the same time, the same time developed a technology as Sony Betawak. In 1975, Bettamex distributed in the technical world and contacted customers. Sony is owned by Sony’s ownership in all steps, uniform noisy. Most customers felt that. However, JVC believed in the open standard philosophy, however, allowed to share technology with other companies. Sony was Sony Sony was the only company that can institute the vhs game.

In the early 1980s, VHS began to expel the beta. By 1987, VHS has controlled 90% home video market.

“VHers” stand for? This is for the video home system. No, no slashs in the name, name is “v / h / s” horror Anthology Series.

The rise and fall of VHS

General-seases can be very exploited on VHS very much. Because Tech was cheap and compact, it was easy to spread. In 1975, the local businessman of the Germany was opened in 1975 in the world’s first video shop. In 1975, he rented 8 mm in 1975, but technology moved to the video cassettes. When the video began to rent the video in the early 1980s, the tenants offered Bettumax and VHS formats. The first century Fox Home Video was the first main studio to license their films for the distribution of video. “Bouch Kaziyy and Sundance Kid,” “M * A * S * H,” “Hello, Dolly!” “” Pattani, “” French Connection “,” Pattani, “,” and “voice of music ‘, and” the voice of music’ is the first crowns available to the public.

VHers should throw your mind to understand the glory of the users who make customers offer. Before home video, people were in the format who was chronic and a reporter movie theater in television or a reporter movie theater. People could not repeat their favorite movies in such theaters, but the idea of ​​acquiring a film, can see it and see it whenever you want it? It was the revolutionary.

Suddenly, everyone had access to a film school. Video Extreme Outlets Allotted to explode the film consumption, some film buffs have now seen multiple films within a week. A Day. Previously available movies available. The Naskant Home Video Industry is due to availability of pornography. A boon can be rentally rentally rented and watched at home for the world horny people in the world.

Some movies are still available in the VHS. A industry of straight films was born.

VCRS Television has been changed forever

Interesting Trivia: VCRS (or video cassette records) found once the threat of the main TV studio. Because the customers can be able to tape and manage a network, studios, studios – concerned to run special and Disney, specially running, they will lose money. In the construction of the industrial-threatening technology, discony and universal have been charged with the hands of Sony’s betawac. In 1983, after a few failures and appeals, the case came to the Supreme Court. However, the Supreme Court judged in favor of Sony, because his show his show Should Tape and spread around. Some children argued, and they will be allowed to see it when they were scheduled at the scheduled.

The idea of ​​scheduled TV began to fall into the arrival of the VCR, the heap of empty VHS cases is faster. Day shows now watch the night and vice versa. A single episodes can be seen multiple times in a week. Noticed the new details of the sight of the repeated observations. The lines memorized. Movies have seen three, four and five times a day. Events grew. Format is fettinging.

The expansion of vcr, vhs, today we are the reasons why we are geek culture. It is easy when a movie or TV episode is right in your home, in a moment’s notice.

In 1997, sealed more than more than or less. More than VHS cassettes and older and older format were pushed out of a standard format. Surely however, helped the dividers to include confusion and reduce space on a shelf. The last known manufacturer of VHS Tech, Saniyo has been stopped in 2016. It was the end of an era.

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