BBL’s ‘rumor’ ???
Tmz makes it better !!!
Lizzo People say that her weight is asked to have received a Brazilian buttown …
Singer-songwriter Post a clip to Instagram yesterday … amazing pants in the red lingerie top
Lizzo shakes her looses a bit …, says “pay BBL” says “BBL says” says “ie the outside she went on the knife.
She laughs – clearly makes a funny …
Lyzo says they are going to come to everyone to know if everyone is getting a BBL …, and we are left to tell you and left it right.

Twict / Allizzobetwitin
We told all things about lizzo’s weight … she first gained her fitness goals this year. Her figure expresses her math-she, including she started last month Showed her twins A pair of jeans.
We don’t think Lisio has received surgery … But hey, we are happy to know that it will make the star happy!