Marshan Linn
You have made a weed test !!!
… the letter from the NFL auction block
Marshan Linn In 2009, an NFL drug testing … Now the actual letter sent to the bak running star is in the lake block !!
Holding auction LeelingsFeatures and a BEB Ruth Signed Baseball and the horrible costly Michael Jordan Card … You can ultimately sold for more money, the Best Mode letter is the most characteristic breed of money.
On April 13, 2009, the corresponding of the April 13 have been written in an NFL letterhead Dr. Lawrence S. BrownA medical counselor of the National Football League.
In the letter, Dr. Brown linch, a buffalo bills informs the RB, and his urine is dirty to Marijuana.
The envelope included as part of a auction is stamped “confidential”. “
Marcion is not suspended … ultimately lived a memorable lives – including a super bowl success with Seattle Seafowers.
The letter of the ripening bid floor of the $ 300 is there. Llant’s auction is closed on Saturday night.
Happy bidding, people !!