Star Wars
May the use of force ….
So you can get Luke’s LightZeb !!!
“Mardolorian” fans to this new auction item, “this is the way” is the way “This is the way” Point!
GWS auction Sabhar was placed for sale
According to the site, two versions of Lights – a Lohan “LightZber, Close-up shots, closes-up shots, transclusions and transclusions are Stunt Lightsbur.
If you don’t know … hit the hit discodes in a few episodes of show – he used a litzer to cure a group of enemies in a battlefield.
Using a body double … and the two performances were merged with the CGI technology. Check out the scene for you – it is a very remarkable technical.
Lukeck Lynsels “Customized, Museum,” the museum is placed in damage, “it goes to 25 g of lead.
In addition, the auction is going to live in 2,000 casement of $ 2,000 in the process, this collection can break the bank.
May you be with you … and a happy bidding !!!