Browns security Hongo
Wild Game Story …
We gave birth to a baby !!!
Director of Cleveland Browns Stadium Security Omar Jufco In the age period, it looked all these – if it does not admit a baby in a ball in a ball, even after his crew is in the game. !!
Jufco has broken up this week … a stadium sterelor said soon, she immediately said that a workman was going to her job.
The 17-year experience in the NFL and MLB received a 17-year experience in the Jufco-Command Center … Everyone is working soon to help you get the baby.
For more jobs, the Debauthari presented people in Huntington Bank field – a group of the Prospoes Venue – but a group is trying to keep everyone with a “village meal.”

Attribution-to-E & E
Without gemayade, all the work that will be part of Gemayada is part of a & e-new real series, “Stadium Lockup” …
Jufco agreed that the cameras should follow the cameras … but how preparation for the viewers are doing.
Show Wednesday night show premier !!