Big brother’s mike ‘Boogie’ Malin
This is arrested …
Saved order violated
The former “Big Brother” is more legal issues for the winner Mike ‘Boogie’ Malin … he broke in three months in three months. This was another ‘BB’ win.
TMEZ learned that … Mike people were arrested and thrown in the court.
The hearier told the hearier for recent violating the terms of a control order, former ‘BB’ Costar Kirby will Against him … the order disobeys the order to contact the order with boogie.
As we have reported … Malin was found guilty The crime follows his former ‘BB’ buddy Back in 2021 after no competition. The 2-year probation was sentenced to Boogi.
In 2019, Kirbik has received a control order against the mall. When Kirby refused, it was unable to sharing the male, when it was threatened to threaten it to the Kirbi and his family.
We said Mike was $ 20,000 and the next court date of March 20.
Kirby’s Attorney, Sam Ahmed Says to TMZ … “Protected Orders are for a reason, not one for the law. We hope to be full responsibility for this violation.”
Bust of Bust of Boogi’s January is coming Shop lifting from CVS.