Ann curry is reflected in interviews after welcoming the children

Sulemen Reflects about controversial activities after welcoming eight children.

March 10 on Monday, modern episode Confessive of OctoberSultan, 49, and NBC News look back at the journalism Ann Curry For the facing her first seat.

“(Hospital) Let me chose a news anchery.” I didn’t see who she was. “

When sitting with curry, 68, a Interview On Today And Dateline Suleman said she confessed for various reasons, including the way he looks in 2009.

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The Natali “Nadale” withdraws from the public’s wat in 2013, but now she returns to the side of the story. After the Imphaf by Impaf, Suleman gained fame in 2009. At the same year, Noah, Malia, Isaiah, Naria, Jonah, Mcai, and Josiah, and Josiah, and Josiah Sulamen.

“I felt terrible about me and” she said. In pregnancy I won 150 pounds, so I was more than 100 pounds of weight than normal at that time. … I didn’t know what she is going to ask me. I have not previously interviewed. “

As converted Confessive of OctoberQuestions that asked the curry many Americans wanted to answer the answer during that time. In a stage, the journalist asked the Suliarst to respond to people who were considered to have a lot of children. (Before the purpose of welcoming Okuplets, was already a mother up to six children.)

“I was covered in my head. I wasn’t really looker, I was told,” I was vicodin for pain, “Suleman explained to life cameras. “Can you worry if you are questioning when you are questioned when you have given birth? You’re very depressed. You are not shocking.”

8 After welcoming children, the Kari Sulivan recalls the curry
AE Networks

Sulaman said he was “survival mode” and not ready for her activities.

“I felt subject to the attack. I was in the attack,” they said. “When a man is psychologically attacked, it was not among the transparent or honest mindset. I used all the copy systems to protect themselves.”

Sultan, who went to appear Today Show again for another chat with curry in 2011, she wanted to establish an interview on her journey. But the Orange County of California, the Orange County of California, and wanted to see her kids.

“This is a fad for me,” she told them about interview. “I don’t remember. I know I’m in constant defense.”

Octoom Family Album

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“Octolan” is 14 children, and they records the busy life by social media. In January, Isaiah, Malia, and Malia, and Noah, Josiah, Jonah and Mokao, Joshoua and Yoshan. Suleman told New York Times (…)

Confessive of October The six is ​​six part documentary series, and her history and life appear to be a 14-year-old mother when they followed Suleman.

The other children with her Occuplets and six other children in 17 and 23 years old were eliminated from the public for six years. Now, she wants to give a side of her family.

Confessive of October Lifest time in the mondays in the afternoon.

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