BBC News, Harare

A long convey to a longest convey of concerns that flows through a shark of a herrace – Zimbabwe is a military coup
“What’s going on Zimbabwe?” A person posted on social media. Another person said: “It was last happening.”
Tanks were explained by mid-February as part of a scheduled workout to the test devices.
Yet, the chart and speculation continued, and revealed much about the state’s state.
The first time the President AMmerson Munnanka was ahead of the post of President AMmerson Munnanka, the president AMmerson Munnunga.
His predecessor, long-term leader Robert Mugab, has been devoted the major memories of the coup.
He was coming to power as a revolutionary hero in the 1980 1980s. When the veterans of the 1970s were withdrawn their support, he was his demise.
It was a senior San-PF member, known as the “Bombal Attack” against the Multi-oral attack against malgometers.
When the President started to change the President to seek the 19th day, he was irritated.
Often Explative-Confrges, Griti-Voice, a forehead, and he repeatedly calls the President 82-year-old President.
“I should apologize to comfort him,” Gazza said in a press conference, “Crocodile is called” Crocodod “.
“As soon as he receives the taste of power, he increased, forgetting people, remind the family, remind the family,” he has accepted the powerful central committee of Sunu-PF.
“Mannanka surrendered to the State of his wife and children. We see the history of history. We cannot allow it to happen.”

In the “trusted” remarks, the San-PF is irritated – later expressed equal to treason – his representatives, he continues to panic to his representatives.
The police demands four rates, including vehicle steal.
Annual Milaga interviewed Bomble in November, Arrested in transferring the message that causes violence.
In the Sun-PF ralls, the ambitions of malgaers have begun to overlook. President is currently serving his second and last term, it expires in 2028.
“He will be the leader” 2030 He will be the leader “2030, despite limits the Constitution of the President of the President of the President of the President of the President of the President of the President of the President of the President of the President of the President of the President of the President of the President of the President of the President of the President of the President of Teamba.
When he was such a great job, they argued in the office to continue to complete the Development Project.
At the Sanu-PF’s conference in December, a movement was unanimously accepted, but it was clearly not to expand the existing term for 2030.
Despite the recent Roman Catholic Bishys of the Roman Catholic Bishys of the Roman Catholic Bishys.
Last week, Zimbabwe’s Catholic Close Conference warned that Zimbabwe’s Catholic Close Conference was focused on the contents of the usual Zimbabwains.
The president spokesperson George Barampar, the government of President, George Barampar, the government has been buried, “the government has been buried”.
However, it appears to have come to the Bomb’s message. Gaesa and some allies have led to cleansing in Sunu-PF with the outer.
Yet politician is unlikely to gaershe’s bursting to his goal.

In these days, people are less than such political views, he says the Zimbawwar, including the opposition party, which is a mas against the mas against the mas.
“This is organizing, comprising, surrounding the people’s corruption and the victims of the workers. They have no capacity or interest,” he tells Bibsy.
I can promise to repeat 2017 before 2028, “he said,” he said again in the internal battles of the Sanan-pf.
This is because it is divided in a political landscape, including a weak opposition.
Even the United Veterans do not represent the United Front, Mr. Schhamga says.
Former Army chief Vice President Constantine Chiwing, 68-year-old Kandi President Constantine Chiwing, but Gaisa has launched the support of other war veterans vice-president and Constantine Chiving.
The politic alexander Razero says that it is important to understand the influential role of wars in Zimbabwe and Sunu-PF.
“They see themselves as secure, so you don’t want them to be their feelings,” he tells to BBC.
However, the current complaints of Bombal Likes are believed that the current complaints of the bombal indicates themselves more than the public interest.
“They feel that they have been excluded from the cake that they have to taste,” he tells to BBC.
The H Schungasasha agrees to benefit from Strong Party and Loyalty to benefit from tenders and government agreements, the entry of fertilizers and seeds.
Jameson Timback, Leader of a Common Opposition, Citizens (CCC) citizens (CCC), which summarize the politics of Zimbabwe.
“There is a country of rebellion in the financial situation. People can’t eat more than one day,” he told BBC.
There are several supermarket networks facing Zimbabwe, one of the largest retailers in the country.
The Recent Suspension Suspension Suspension Suspension Suspension was more severe to fall from the suspension of the Mr. Shank.

The five-month streak Timba lies in jail, and his imprisonment is sitting on a concrete floor, and shares a cell and toilet with 80 people.
More than 70 people were arrested in June when a barbib was made to prevent a barbibic from the international day of the African child.
His treatment – and those who are prisoners – reflected the opposition to opposition, he told BBC.
“The country is challenging. The earliest election will be called for the mibbling or the government, but also to check and decide whether the people are.
“The opposite is represented (when) you are about the cost of a office term.
However, the initial vote is less likely to obtain.
Now, the bombs is left in the hideout, electoral years over the years – but the following debate will continue to cook.
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