The two cafes of the two cafes in Ukraine’s two cuffs after Donald Trump has declined to the US president.
Trump Coffee Bar, Trump Pizza Station and ordered to turn off the name after denying each other with each other in the middle hand.
The staff refused to comment and announce a new name this month.
Online, their brand is open.
Customer Yevhen, 38, it is a great local place. It is not political.
“But it is not a good time known as Trump on Ukraine.”
He said Treker is singing the tune of the Putch.
IT manager added: “Everyone wants peace here. We look forward to the battle, we want to end it.
“But what trump is suggesting and trump is meant to be Russia’s success and fail for Ukraine.
“We want to survive Ukraine.”
Pizzeria is still offering a “Michino” option with ham, mushrooms and artychokes.
Trump was irresisted last week because the Bloodbath Airstreams are “do anyone else ‘.