There is an infectious disease of a ‘frustration and how to fight’ the happiness expert “

“I was puzzled.”

“I’m just a person. I can’t do anything.”

“I want to give up.”

As a Happy Researcher, I got hundreds of messages like this, such as this. I see the same feeling expressed, and again – but never attached to it.

I want to tell you the name of: Discontrollment. If a word can’t change everything, it can start us.

When we can’t describe our feelings – it can cause wildfire experiences – it can cause the intense experiences of shame. Buses our feelings help us control our emotional response, contact our communities and heal our communities.

Dirorilization feature is two main experiences:

  • Helplessness: “I can’t withstand what is happening in my life.”
  • Frustration: “There is no such thing in trying, because nothing will change.”

Both have been deeply connected, amplting each other until you’re an existential frustration and isolation. It usually develops like:

  1. Something challenging happens.
  2. You try to fix it but you can’t. This exceeds your current supply standard.
  3. You look embarrassed and slowly lose confidence.
  4. It is difficult to you as we lived in a culture that we want to manage only problems.
  5. You feel that there is no way you can’t solve this problem.
  6. You suffer from a crunch of meaning. You believe that there is no hope in a better future. You can give up and give up.
  7. You are disconnected from others and makes it impossible to heal.

New Happiness Stefani Harrison

A contagious diseases of ‘Dissolution

2 ways to remind yourself

The birth of the birth is causing us to dissail us from the most needing: each other. Instead, we need the following:

1. Connect with people and lean on them

If someone showes you to help you face you disappointment spiral level. This is a therapist, colleague, friend, or family member – can I help you to understand how to handle it? “

You will need other people to confuse you and to reassure you and make you feel below and you will need you to confuse you.

New Happiness Stefani Harrison

As people often say they don’t have a community. I understand completely; This is a natural consequence Old happy culture – we teach us that it is not better than us, and we will always be successful (in a socially acceptable way), we cannot rely on yourself.

You can collect some friends or colleagues together with intent to show each other.

2. Offered to take action

Discliming is self-permanent: You don’t have to be helpless, so you don’t work, it makes you feel helpless and it is difficult to work.

When you feel helpless, it is a sign of helping more. This is shown that the bicycle is broken and gives you a lot of strength to change someone’s day.

Start small: smile someone and give them a compliment, or send them a fun video. Any help will affect another person, and witnesses a helpful You are.

Then take it to the next level. Consider a problem like:

  • Poverty
  • Mental health
  • Rights of LGBTCu
  • Democracy
  • Racism
  • Expute the worker
  • Education
  • health care

Type a search engine:

(Problem) + (my town / city / country) + organization

This will lead you to the hard worked organizations of defining a mission, and it is accessed by relationships, sources and resources. They need hands – your hands.

Send them this email:

Hi, I (name)! I am interested in solving / argumenting / argue (issue). I want to give your organization my (time, and / or money) to help you get your goals. Is there a way I can intervene?

Then show up.

When it is difficult to remind us, we are a skill that we learn, and we are celebrated and support yourself when we are difficult. In the right circumstances, the challenges are handled to and lead to self-dependfort and growth.

A society full of dismaying can not do a happy world. But a world committed to reminding one another, each is already first.

Stephanie Harrison Founder New joyAn organization moves a new philosophy of happiness. She is the speaker, designer, the expert “of the book”New joy: Is wrong to get happiness in a world. “Follow her Instagram, Ticoc And Linkedin.

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