The draft table for the new travel ban for Trump

Trump Administration is considering aimed at a widening of 43 countries with the first Tables of the first Text of President Donald Trump Trump.

The recommended recommendations suggest that diplomatic and security personnel suggest the “red” table of 11 red. They are Afghanistan, Bhutan, Cuba, Iran, Libya, Somia, Somalia, Somalia, Yemen, Syria, Venezuela and Yemen.

Officials warned the state department several weeks to discuss the state department for discussion inwarded internal internal inwarded negotiations and when the changes arrived in the White House, officials were warned.

Embassy reviews the Draft of the safety specialists in the Embassy and the intelligence specialists in the local bureaus and other departments in the state department. They provide the opinion of whether the descriptions of the shortcomings in specific countries are accurate or public causes of policy – whether it can hinder it in some preference – including some.

The draft “Orange” list of 10 orange “list of 10 are included in the draft. In such cases, rich business passengers may be allowed to enter the passengers, but people traveling on the immigrant or tourist visa.

To get a visa, citizens of that list will undergo interviews to the compulsory in-individuals. It includes Belarus, Eritrea, Hateiti, Laos, Myanmar, Pakistan, Russia, Sierra Leon, South Sudan and Turkmenistan.

When he took January 20, the trump issued an Executive Order of the Citizens of Citizens of Citizens of Citizens of Citizens from Citizens of Citizens from the Citizens of Citizens of Citizens of Citizens of Citizens from the citizens of the citizens of the citizens.

He gave the Section 60 days to complete the report for the White House in that list, that is, next week. The state department led the Bureau of Consular Affairs, and the order was attended by justice, homeland and security departments.

The spokesman in many agencies refused to respond or did not respond to the request of the opinion. The state department has said that the highest level of security and advertising security is with our visa process and protects our country and citizens to protect our country and citizens.

The New York Times, the ASA, reported the month of Afghanistan not part of the early travel bans, reported the month of Afghanistan, reported the month of Afghanistan. Likely to be part of the second time. But other countries under consideration were specified.

If people with existing visas have been excluded from the ban, not clear, or cancel their visa. The state plans to avoid existing green cardholders already agreed to legitimate confirmation.

Since the government has canceled the Gaza’s Green Card, the Palestini University of the Palestini of the Gaza Student, he canceled the legitimacy of the move last week.

The Trump allowed the trump in the dark red and orange lists, but many are new. Some stock features with previous lists – there are governments that are generally considered the Muslim-non or non-or poor or poor.

But the reason the other people were included, were not immediately unclean. For example, Bhutan, instructed a ban on access. Small Buddhist Pali and the Hindi Kingdom are sandwiches between China and India, none of them.

If not absolutely ban, it is not quite banned, tourists from Russia raise another problem. The Russian government is popular for corruption for corruption, try trump to reorganize the foreign policy in more Russia-friendly way.

The immigrants in the US will be determined to be useful to Venezuela to be useful for the legal consent of the legal consent.

The proposal includes a list of 22 countries in the “yellow” list and includes a list of 26 countries in the “Yellow” list, and does not comply.

Incoming the United States Information on the United States Information on Incoming passengers, include such problems to share with the passport security methods of passport safety methods.

According to Angola, Antigua, Barbuda, Burkina, Burkina, Cameron, Cape Veritia, Malitia, Malitia, Malitia, Malitia, Malitia, Malitia, Malitia, Mali, Saho Tom, Princia and Sao Tome. Congo Vanuatu, Zimbabwe.

During the first term of Trump, courts prevented the government from carrying out the first two versions of the ban, but the citizens are banned from eight countries to take effect. The list later evolved.

In January 2021, the ban on the president of January 2021, he canceled the trade of the Eighting Trump, “the stain” of our national conscience does not match our long history. ”

Remove the trump of Trump to protect and rely on extrenced ideology that threatens terrorism to threaten terror ideology or reliance on the ideological ideology.

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