Ocos, Guatemala (AP) – Due to its border security targets in the South Central America, Guatemala and the pressure of Bratemala to implement their own border.
Guatemalan Army Unit Guatemalan Army Unit has patroll the Acreate River, which forms the Western end of the Guatemalan Army Unit. Colonel Juan Irregandio Celis Juan Irroso said.
The President Bernado, the president Bernado said that migration was an inheritance but in a restricted manner.
The soldiers look at illegal weapons, drugs and human trafficking. On this border, they regularly coarsely coincide with their Mexican opponents.
Ann Mary said the population should not only be not only from threatening crimes, but also to try to stop the soldiers to prevent the crossings to the national area.
When US Secretary of State Secretary of State Secretary of State in February, the border will be transformed into a security forces with Guatemala Honduras and El Salvador.
Over 600 mexicans ran and sought refuge in Guatemala and sought refuge in Guatemala and sought refuge in Guatemala and sought refuge in Guatemala The most powerful cartratures of Mexico are fighting for the control of a profitable slaughter of the southern Mexico.