With the serious reports of the mass murders that come out of Syria, an expert is the alarm of the ground dangerous situation.
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He said Allavit Muslim common people have been killed on Saturday, who was killed for the past few days, he said that the list was spread on Saturday. “This is Monday Monday Monday, murders have not stopped as far as we can say. It is very serious.”
Wealthcamp said that the region was attacked by Syria’s new government
“It means a section of Islam, which means they are out of the law, which means they can kill them,” he said. “It is afraid that the ASzad administration is overthrown three months ago.”
Despite the horror of former Syrian Presert Basars, Wedkamp is a man’s control.
“I’m afraid of it is very bad and it is likely to get worse,” Wedcump added.
When he heard Christian minorities killed and killed and killed from the point of view, it was not the case.
Al-Sharara was the leader of Syria, adding Chaos to the Mix – uncertainty about how he would lead. Watch Describes Wedkampamp.
Cnn Reported The United Nations Mannal Rimbi-Rights Office said that the United Nations Manese Rimbish Office was killed in between violence.
The confrontation was reportedly developed between faithful groups to the new administration.
Al-Shrah said it is now stopped in violence Assemble A committee to investigate what is unborn responsible things.
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