Sakashvili: Former President of Georgia President Michail Sakashvili’s prisonern Terms will now be 12 years after the last judgment

File Photo: Former President of Georgia’s jail Sakashvilly

Tibilsy: A court in Georgia handed over to the former president of another prison sentence Sakashvili in MichaHe has been 12-year completed in a judgment that he was regarded as an illegive judgment.
Sakaswili, who served as Georgia’s president, served as President of Georgia, who served as Georgia’s president of power and pollution.
The court convicted four years and six months after crossing illegal border. With his former sentences accumulated, he should serve 12 years and six months behind him.
Sacashvisi spoke through Videoconfurry Declined Monday Code of Definition of Monday.
“They want to annihilate me in jail,” he said. “But whatever anyway I will fight till the end.”
The summonary Zankee, Rose Revolution In 2003, he protests in the office was expressed by an official scam as the Southern Caesus Nation 3.7 million Coast of the Scandal Caucasus Nation. He presided over the short and powerful Russia
In 2012, Sakashvili’s United National Move Party failed to elections Georgian Dream Party A shadow, Bilzina Ivaniswile was founded. The Georgian’s dream remains exceeding power, and unwilling the allegations from the fact that democratic freedoms will be confronted.
Sawashwilly went to Ukraine in 2013 Ukrainian citizenship Since 2015-16, he served as Governor of the South Odisha region of the country. In October 2021, he returned to Georgia.
The prisoner president barur was spent behind the forefront president bars after he remains poison and then he was poisoned. In the IVivami clinic, he is now receiving medical treatment and observes her medical treatment in many chronic circumstances.
Sacasvili’s lawyer said that the verdict of Monday’s verdict is again Political prisoner.
“The judiciary will be a sharp rejoice, as the Georgeian dream continues to power, it will be decided,” said Basulia.

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