Sad C signs to withdraw from the ground of M3

South African leaders reported their troops out of the East Democratic Republic of the Congo, where they help the government.

This year mineral rich Dr. The Congress supported M2 sent to support the Congress military, which was captured by Congo, the Congress troops to support the Congress military, the Congress troops.

19 soldiers, Malawi and Tanzania from South Africa.

Tens of thousands of people were killed and millions of people were killed after running from the household households.

Concerns that a local conflict will cause a fight.

Eastern Dr. Mukhu sees Bukwa, the second largest city in Congo in Congo.

Public tourist attractions of South Africa were criticized by public vain journey after killing soldiers.

South African politician Sandhya Vanda told Bbsk to BBC, which is a shame of the country.

“The rebels are very strong. This is a war, not South Africa ready for this kind of war,” he said.

He added: “A country in the Sadsi region is not ready for this war – psychologically politically politically politically.”

But withdrawal of withdrawal, South Africa is not only a blow but also Sadsi. The Congo and analysts say.

The Senior Research Fellow of the South African Institute of International International International International International, says to CIBC told the CIBC.

“They went to (SADC) by being better in a neutral position,” they said.

In February, Dr. The President of Malawi said the soldiers will withdraw from CongoAlthough he did not give a reason.

Dr. The decision to “pull out of Congo” has begun in the southern African development community (Salto @.

No reason given.

Dr. SASC leaders said that the soldiers will withdraw from Congo, “Supports the intervent support supported by the warning goal”.

Sadsi has called diplomatic and political solution to the conflict.

Dr. Previous efforts to make peace to Congo have not succeeded.

In recent months Dr. This was the third emergency summit in Congo.

Dr. It is unclear how many inventors have been in the cases, but should be sent to 5,000 troops.

South Africa that leads the mission 2,900 troops and relaxing the mission, shared the rest between Malawi and Tanzania.

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