Russia crimes against humanity in Ukraine were arrested: UN probe


The victims of the men of the implemented hatred, concluded in the war, the United Nations Investigation.

The crime was discovered as part of the widespread attack on the Sivithy.

The Commission stopped that the Russian authorities have implemented the attention of the Russian officials and the crime against humanity have ended persecution.

Both crime in accordance with a coordinate state policy against the widespread and planned attack against the civilian population.

The UN inquiries were unusual for the UN investigates of the clear character of that statement.

In the report, large numbers were blocked in the regulations in Russian control, and many of them were barred from detention in the large Ukraine or from Russia.

In this long detidents, the Russian authorities were committed to any extra infrasting. Many people are missing for many years, some people died in captivity.

Those authorities failed to provide information where the prisoners are, it added.

Russia worked with intention of removing people from protection of the law.

The commission added that international human piles has been destroyed by violating the international manual law.

Inquiry said that Russia was used for information, infusion, definitive and terrible categories.

The interrogative forms used in the interrogative forms, Russian officials were “planned with a form of persecution against male prisoners.”

The Commission said that the number of events that kill the Russian army or wounding the Russian army and have learned the events related to a war crime.

“Soldiers who abstain from the Russian armed forces, indicates that a policy is not to take prisoners, but rather than kill them.

In February 2022, Russia conducted the fullest level of violence in Ukraine.

The UN Human Rights Council of the UN Human Rights Council set up the highest investment in the same month to seek violations and misuse of conflict.

The free report will be submitted to the Council next Tuesday.

(This story is not edited by the NDTV staff, which is automatically creating auttvated feed.)

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