Putin says he had questions about the cage with Ukraine: NPR

A White House Representatives in Moscow, discuss 30 days of specific ceasefire. The President Vladimir Putin says that Russia is open for this idea, but “questions” remains.

Mary Louis Kelly, Host:

The US Broker of Ukraine is the first 30-day cage scheme – Well, it is not clear how it is actually, however, is actually. We know that Moscow, including high-president Vladimir Putin, including the American President Vladimir Putinaramar, is in Moscow. Let us bring the NPR Russia authorized Charles Meenz. Hey, there.

Charles Meenes, Bloor: Hi.

Kelly: Hi. Speaking in the place where the speech is yet to have, it is to say what to say.

Maynes: yes. Kremlin said he would listen directly from the White House of the White House of the proposal. Now, the White House Represental Steve Vitkoff, a month ago, can see if you can handle the Russians. As if you noticed, he met with top officials, including President Putin. But in a Press event today, the Russian leader explained his views in the first public opinion of this instruction.

(The sound of archived recording)

President Vladimir Putin: (Russian speaks).

Mayas: Putin says the idea of ​​a ceasefire is good, about the Peace Resolution – Peaceful Resolution – Peaceful Resolution – Peaceful Resolution. But there are questions that there are questions that needed to discuss with Americans, especially, especially discussing discussions with President Trump.

KELLY: What questions like? What would he like to know?

Maines: Well, you know how to implement this Agreement and how to implement this Agreement and it should happen. The Putin situation referred to the situation in Russia of Russia’s Kursk region. The Russian army appears on the end of the seven-month employment of Ukrainian army. Putin asks, you know, you know, with Ukrainian soldier? – Who argued, basically surrounded. Russian achievements pointed elsewhere in Ukraine, suggested Kevevi can be temporarily used in the fighting fight. Although kiaw does not do that, he said how to monitor the ceasefire, he said how to violate it. In general, the Putin President Trench went out from the trip to speak on the war in Ukraine, but his message is mainly to work here.

Kelly: So, Well, here’s my question, Charles. What is the Putin spirits in wanting peace or what he was stated for the time?

Maines: Well, critics will say that he insists for the time, and more national voices in Russia will praise those tactics. Many people in Moscow to use Russian military win with any other means. Meanwhile, he is repeatedly repeated a long-term settlement addressing the root causes of the conflict. You know, in his mind, natus in the former Soviet sphere and the extension of the Russian control in the former Soviet sphere. Do you know, this is the covenant covenant, of course, address it.

Kelli: Well, through that, there is things in this regard. What about other players involved? Any updates from Ukraine or White House?

Maynes: yes. You know, this evening, in a video address, Ukrainian President Volloyymearker Celnessia, Quote, “Volidathy”, “Volenalath”, “Volenalath”, “Volenal”, “Volenalath”, “Volenal”, “Volenum”, “Volicachanath”, “Volicachan”, “Volenal”, “Volenum” is required to fight this.

(The sound of archived recording)

President Donald Trump: Thousands die in the week, so we really have no long time. We have to speed up it.

Kelly: Quickly, Charles, where goes from here from here?

Means: Well, it talks more, but trump is always busy, but you know how the Russian leader is played on time.

Kelly: NPR Russia The Charles Charles Meenz, Thank you.

MAYNES: Thank you.

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