My favorite author’s sentence Smil is to be read new book

Bill Gates’s favorite author has a new book, and “the pronouncony tells you to teach you a lot.

Especially, reducing food waste and reducing global food insecurity to everyone will be cheaper. Waklav Semin “How to feed the worldThe method of thinking of “hunger, food, we eat (don’t eat (don’t eat (don’t) published Tuesday. Gates wrote In an instagram post on Wednesday.

More than 40 books are recorded in the University of Manitoba University, Technology Upgrade, Energy, General Policy and Public policy and population growth. “Almost everyone” almost all the doors reading the work published by Smin ‘ A blog post Published on Tuesday.

“The truth, he reads and wants to divide any subject of interest,” Gates wrote In 2017: “I wait for new smiling books I am waiting for new smiling books I wait for some people to wait for the next ‘star blinds’.”

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The world is a central focus that ends appetives, using data to reconstruct the problem, the latest version of changing is the latest version of changing.

One day per day produces a world of 3,000 calorie-value food, and wrote everyone, “wrote Gates. One third According to the United Nations, the food does not match.

Abilities will increase the skills and cost of retailers, as a result High prices To shoppers around the world. Reducing food waste is stressed from global food distribution and more accessible to the food, which can be accessible to everyone.

Other Researchers agree. Approximately 600 600 billion Consulting Mckini’s consulting Mckini in the workplace of 2022 a year of going to go or follow a year. The income of all types of food and retailers will be lost and invested the deposit consumer prices, 2024 Pacific Coast Co-operative Report.

Some solutions, including food storage, packing, supply chains, and pricing models offer the Smile book. Favorites of the gates, he wrote: Editing of crispren geneThe theoretically expands theoretically developed crops facing the effects of climate change.

“We challenge the readers to think differently about a problem we understand,” the gas wrote about a problem we understand. “

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