Mexico was planted by genetically modified American grain

In Mexico, the grain is the center of national mythology because it is a center like Gastronomy.

There is no country without corn. There is no country without corn.

This week, Mexico’s leaders have voted to worry the concept in the Constitution, the “one component of national identity.”

The measure of a nationalist Rally has become a nationalist rally from the engineer of Mexico, selling the engine companies sold from the engineer versions of Mexico. The version of Mexico, the threats of Mexico, the threats of Mexico, the threat of Mexico, the threat of US military intervention is only for the reform support.

“Crain is Mexico, President Claudi Shihar said the reform is described as a means of gaining the sovereignty of Mexico’s sovereignty. “We need to protect it for biodiversity, but culturally, because of our source is associated with our source.”

The Feleep Martenz harvest his grain on his farm in Sayaakhatlan, the San Jeronic, in Sayyakatlan.

(Related Press)

The amendment of the Constitution continues that the imposing of genetically modified grains was trying to perform an imporation. The then President of the President of President Andres Manual Lopes Oberdore, 2023, has been banned in tortillas, animal feeding and industrial use.

Mexico admitted to the panel’s verdict, the action of this week is targeting seeds, not all products.

The amendment has been sent to Sheenbam for the last approval from the Congress on Wednesday. The majority of the state legislatures have approved it.

The US Mexico sells $ 5 billion of US Mexico every year, and it is designed to resist pests and tolerating herbs. That grain is used to feed those cattle.

Even before constitutional reform, the Lesoute was given the 2013 lesuit, which made up of the modified grain in the Mex field. Yet the experts say that happens. The broad variety of a refrigerator is threatened by the presence of grains and grains in the eight crowdes and grains, which grew up in various heights and weather.

“There is a native of a native of a native of the genologically modified traits,” Teamoti and recalled traits, the researcher of the Global Development and the University of Tufts. Some of the ancient varieties have already been extinct, “the product of illegal and innocent chronology near illegal walk.”

The alarms in Mexico, have not changed the corn food, but as a symbol of Mexico.

Mexicans can be compared to the discovery of grain

– Octavio pass

About 9,000 years ago, farmers started to grow wild grass to grow wild grass to grow wild Tiosinte.

Since then, it is respected here, the Histique goddess, which includes the Sentito, Cereals and Freda Kahlo, which included in their pictures

The poetryy or the pass plant was one of many to boast the virtues of the pass plant, “the grain is invented with man’s fire.”

Perhaps the world is not playing a big role of the world to a people and Mexicoors. Researchers count to eat one to two pounds per person.

A man sells grain

A man sells corn in the corner.

(Gary Coronado / Los Angeles Times)

This is cooked to Mashai, Tortilas, Tamales and Tilacoyos. Its kernels are soaked in a fragrant posole and prompted a heart to breakfast known as theoneole.

“This is the root of our culture by providing our culture and identity,” said Boyolla álvarez-Biolla, a researcher of the molecularist in Mexico. “This is our important. The loss of sovereignty of our lives and health is very dangerous.”

The National Council of Mexico’s National Council was published to the role of the role of the national council of Mexico and the possibility of health and healthy.

The US grain is less nutritious than the Mexican version and connected to liver disease and other problems. 9 runs in 10 Tolls Sample from several cities in Mexico, which was found in genetically modified grains.

The US, farmers, companies and engineering grain refuse Mexico’s claims, their products have risks.

They celebrated the trade disputes after the effort of grain in the states like Iowa, Illinois and Nebraska. “This victory Specifies the power of grain lawyer,” National Corn Carnath Heartman Junior K.A.

Mexico was the export of corn in the 1980s. In 1994, the part of North American Free Trade Agreement, which was circled to the current trade agreement and changed it.

Many small family farms in Mexico could not match the largest US federal subsidy. With three decades, the annual grain to Mexico, increased by 3.1 million MT of 3.1 million MT of 3.1 million.

The change has been modified to change many Mexican farmers and livatihood farming or to take up seasonal work from their homes. Many other people are left to find out the job in the United States.

At the same time, the US is wisely said the US’s free trade agreement was used to counter the grain attempts to import abroad. The tariffs of US imports.

He said: “We will ignore the contract when it is convenient for us. We will implement it when some biotech companies are influenced by some biotech companies.”

He said that they do not want the genetically modified grain and it was not mainly to get down to a thing.

“No one wants to eat it,” he said.

The Special Correspondent of Mexico City has contributed to this report.

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