6.3 – Ravindra, 1 run, A catch in Shami fingers is a drop, and he calls physio. He was just as his far away, but he was upright but realized that the ball was high on the left. Hands may have come to the eyes of the eyes, and he tried to take his finger with his fingers. When trying to take it in the move, the left foot was hanging in the air. The ball went past the past. Ravindra tried to punch the ball in the middle
During the time Raveendra got another life on 29th.
7.1 – Varun to Raveendra, 2 runs, Another chanceIs hard again. Srikos were running from deepest midwicket to the right, and he slides for a valley, and fully stretched, and he gave contact. He began quickly, 21m running 21m and the ball he was slow from the end. Since the team is cleaned mate, he fell back to face and disappointment.
Raveendra thruted Raveendra in the first delivery of Padipa Yadav to 37 on the first delivery of Padip Yadav. But the misses come.
34.5 – Patel to Mitchell, 2 runs, Rohit is decreasing a handier in midwick. He’s heeded and raised the right hand and pulled it. He fell back behind the ball in the ball. He is the 27 meters, his jump is ok but done for speed. It is possible to mark as a hard opportunity to mark – the ball of the ball was not that short, surpath to spare a strong clothes, flat.
35.6 – From Jadeja to Phillips, 1 Run, Gill drops are preparing this timeRunning left from a deep square leg. He came out because the knees came to the ground. He reached the left from low level, and won both hands in it and it went to the left. The replace show came from his part to the center from his side and tried to clap the ball, but the grabus is not working. Jadeja lifted his hands, but handles a half smile. In the middle a shortish ball phileeps was not higher as much as expected. He passed through the pull like mitchell. It got it from the bottom of the bat.
India will not cost much for the opportunity for the Philips. When Gill was downward, he went after 34 runs after the junction was 34 runs after the junction and the junction was at least 63 runs at the age of 40.
Both New Zealand sends down the second half in the second half, but the first of them is the most opportunity for the game. The last, was simple.
6.2 – Jumison from Jumison Gill, 1 run, Mitchwette is down a hander in midwicket. India lost in half hours and NZ lost one. He sinks to take the head over his right and the head was trying to take over the height, and his sink to him. The hand was stretched out and the left foot was oversupped, but the right leg and hand flowed to the right and the ball explodes. He shows a graphic for 24 meters away. The Gill tried to be laughing down on track. Came from the bottom of the bat
36.4 – Philips to the Ayir, 1 running, Jamison has left! That is a big moment in the game. He is ran, he is alleged, very close to the ball, a complete sitter to jump to jams.
Iyer was 44 when he was excluded. He added four runs before being expelled. Gill failed to pay a great way in his life, and finally 31, he was 6 years old when he was finally 31 when he was dropped.