Christy Shamblin, whose president’s Marin SGT. The Nikhol Gee did one of the 13 American service members killed in the ICIS-K terrorist attack in the 2021.
“It was alleged that the police were accused of being shocked by ICIS-K Devmad Sarhamali at the Court of Isis-K Devi Mohammed Mohammed Mohammed.” These words are my favorite, it’s always difficult
He continued, “the death of Nicol’s death died and died with her, and it is very difficult.”
When they navigate the loss of the gee, they look at the loss of gee, they listened to the loss of Geakz, and they noticed that Trump administration is “caring.”
As for Bitchen administration, the Bitchen administration is concerned with a primary critic. After a deadly terrorist attack, there is no confidence between her family and officials.
On the contrary, the trump was in the rule of the administration.
“It’s a variance of night and day,” they said. Biden-Harris Government has never reached our families – forever. … it was busy hiding the fact that their entire administration is not a bidman to qualify, but from everything needed to protect the Americans and protect our interests.
The Mayamblin said that Trump administration is working to give “full transparency” and others are allowed to ask for severe questions – they try their best to answer the questions.
Tuesday night on Tuesday night before a joint assembhad, Tuesday night on Tuesday night on Tuesday night.
“We got a phone call in the afternoon, it is from the White House Center,” said Shamblin. “We had a small holding until the president’s line came (pledge.
He was directly speaking to the Trust family to help Sharifullah and provided information in Pakistan’s intervention. White house wanted to know the family before declaring broadly declared.
“I really believe (trump) care about all the Americas and we are blessed to have a sight of it,” she said about the family with the Commander-in-CHeeff. “He thanked our support, and then he went down to the business.”
Note the latest episode of “quick beginning”
Ultimately, a disaster created by family, who created her family to prevent his head and losses from experiencing the head and loss.
The Mayamblin, who works to advise the state, as it was happening in Abby Gate, and the family asked the public for special prayers for the family.
“Pray for peace,” she said. “You have to create a new life you don’t want to create. We were happy in our lives before but we have to create a new life – it is very difficult to do.”
Kurifullah accused of helping Kabul Bombing, and by providing support and resources to the UN NEW Terrorist According to BBC.