According to the Liberal Party, the two friends from Alberta are replaced by the Liberal Party leader and the Liberal Party leader and Canada, as he replaces the Liberal Party leader and Canada, as he replaces the Liberal Party leader and Canada.
The 400,000 liberal party members throw ballots in their party’s main leadership match for Mr. Tudo will win and decide to be successful and a new era marked a new era in Canadian politics. A general election needs to be over, it should take place with October, but it can be done soon.
The results of elections will be announced in a special program in the capital on Sunday evening at 630 pm.
Who are candidates?
The role between the Bank of Bank of Bank of Bank, the bank of the bank in the bank, England and England and England Frilant. Shri. Karni showed.
A third candidate Careena is trying to vary yourself from Gould and 37 and other two. Frank Bailes, 62, businessman and former parliament member are functioning.
Miss Freeland and Mr. Caruni are liked to the same backgrounds and the two counted technically competent centers to priority to financial discipline.
Miss Freeland had a successful career in international journalism but is a prominent politician in Canada for the last 10 years. Finance Minister and her record for foreign Minister for Foreign Minister are reckoning. Going to her opponent troudo is borning her responsibility, under him, the policies served as the policies were more popular.
Criticism will notice and will abandon popularity of carbon emissions.
She came to himself as the best person to stand for President Trump against Canada and threats against the country’s sovereignty. Shri.
Miss Frelant Mr. The North Atlantic was successfully resumed the free trade agreement for Canada on the first term of Mr. Trump. Connecting Canada, the US and Mexico.
Mr. Karni was not a traditional politician when he is noticed to achieve the bid for the party leadership.
In 2004, a senior official in the Finance Ministry was served under the public sector, and taped to lead the central banks in terms of continuous liberal and conservative governments.
Although the financial crisis of both posts, the financial crisis and British fears the 2008 economic crisis, the Critics are afraid, but critics accused the Critics economy.
What are their campaigning offerings?
Mr. Carney’s plan is to increase Canada’s economy, which is associated with inflation. The high expenditure of the housing has become a central issue in Canada and the strengthened to build four million houses for many years.
Like Miss Freeland, Shri.
In policy sector, the importance of Canada focus on the policy of the importance of Canada, Mrs Frelantee Platform on the policy sector, focuses on the policy sector, increase military costs and face foreign intervention in politics.
How does the day roar?
After registering with the party, the liberal party members have been voted online and confirmed their identity. Polling started on February 26.
Mr. Tudo, a leader of the Prime Minister, the leader of Liburals are expected to attend 13 years and 13 years.
During the coming week, the new leader will be sworn in as PM. There are measures in accordance with the Westminster parliamentary system, and it follows in Britain and elsewhere.
What will happen next?
The next happening is not completely maped, and who remains the new leader.
Mr. Carni not notified, and does not perform seat in Parliament. His campaign indicated that the federal election would call the federal election as Prime Minister.
The Miss Freeland, holding a parliamentary seat, said to New York Times, a quick election and tariffs threaten to threaten the threat of Canada’s economy and influence Canada’s economy.
Federal elections correspond to Canada’s rules with October. Although 20 plus point in the liberals of the conservative party points, Mr. Tuedo was recently announced by his resignation.
The Latest The polling Most responses were driven by the Liberal Party to the election Shri. Although the narrow is narrowing. Voters are more than Polio. Will choose freeland AritiShows the polls.
Mr Paulpare crossed over Mr. Trump with Mr. Trump The voyage showing the Canadians about Carny, Mrs Freelant.