Geckyyyr Awards: Share Tips on CEO of Year Finalists

From the top, from clockwise: Super CEO Anand Supuraj; Highspot CEO Robert Wahee; AI2 CEO Ali Fath; Sindio CEO Collakursio; Read AI CEO David Shim.

Sort with your customers. Hire the right people. Maintain optimism.

These are some strategies that CEOs use some top-tech startups and organizations in the Seattle Tech Industry.

The finalists of the Year CEO in Gayevee Awards are: Maria KolaccoiioCEO CEO; Ali FathAI2 in CEO; David ShimCEO on AIO; And Anand SuparajCEO in Sayep; And Robert WahbeCEO of Highspot.

Was the winner of last year for this section Osan DuillesThe CEO of the CEO of the Seattle-based edge delta of the Seattle-based Edge Delta, which helps analyze engineering and security teams.

Geckivar Awards recognize the best innovations and companies in the Pacific North West Technology. The finalists and others based on Input Community Nominations from the Geetwiver’s Awards In each category, combining the winner with feedback to determine the winner and the community in all sections continue until March 23.

We will declare winners in the Geetweem Awards on April 30 Asting Business Solutions. The limited number of time is available to participate in the event. To reserve a place for your team today, contact our events in

This section presents Baker tilly.

Read their leadership advice for each finalist descriptions of the CEO of the year. Submit your vote here Or below.

Maria KolaccoiioCEO Singinio: The workplace that was established before the long-term titlead of the place of the long-term smartsheet was joined the CEO’s Synudia in 2018. Insert the salary, transparency, analyzing and solve Sindio. Software companies of Sindio are used. The 150-person starts raised $ 50 million Series C round in 2021.

  • The leadership Tip: “Optimism is a super power. Remember that you always have another hand to play.”
  • Read more: Read More

Ali FathCEO Allen Institute for artificial: Bottmom Darshana Specialist and Washington Professor, the Bottime Darshana Specialist in 2023 Farhadi placed before the AI2 Spinout XNOEE.

  • Ali’s leadership tip: Do not start revitalize review resources – think what open source models and software you can make is active. Open source is active to make the AI ​​community better and quick to make the AI ​​community. “
  • Read more: ‘Open source wins:

David ShimCEO Read aiAfter selling more than $ 200 million, Shim and his co-founder read the productive workplace company II. Startup raised $ 50 million in October, a new enterprise search device has been released this week.

  • David’s leadership tip: “Get your product as soon as possible. A new product is a clear problem, pain or points, users forgive more.”
  • Read more: Taking a swing on the Enterprise search with a new AI-fuel detection device

Anand SuparajCEO SapIn 2020, the Former Microsoft Leader has raised $ 32 million in 2023. Startup won next tech titan honors in the Geek Wavel Awards last year.

  • Anand’s leadership tip: “Sort as possible to your customers. Considering the right questions to 100 days and definitely the right questions. Investing the right questions. Your decisions are smart.”
  • Read more: Field Operation Software Startup Super $ 32 Million

Robert WahbeCEO High position: Seattle Vice President of Seattle is a corporate vice president in the latest update to the latest update of 2011.

  • Rober’s leadership tip: “At the end of the end of the end of the day, including Innovation, Product-Market-fit and scale.
  • Read More
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Asting Business Solutions The presentation sponsor of 2025 Geek Waval Awards is the sponsor. Thank you for gold sponsors Jll, Basaras, Wilson Gosni, Baker tilly And First TechSupports sponsors Adoles final And Showbox gifts.

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