GECIEARY AWARDS: Final formatting health innovation dominates the final philosophical

For health innovation, 2025 Geekewar Award finals are dominating the new technologies to the decaying cancer of the new technologies. The newly formed startup includes opponents to a leading US Cancer Institute and companies. Couple is a business with technology to help healthcare providers

These awards recognize this awards, Life Science, Biotechnology or Medical Breakthriver, which promises to improve the lives of the people and increase health care mechanism.

The finalists are UnderOn Biosians, Desker, Fred Hutchack Cancer Center, Talus Biosins and Amosa Biosine.

The winner was the winner of last year’s Seattle Health-Tech Startup created a system created by the tools made by the hospital ICI patients.

Continue reading for details about this year’s finalists and Vote here Or below.

Arcan Biosions

Arcan Biosions The last October rose from $ 20 million in the finance. The Seattle Biotech Company is held technology of technology and Nobel Gifted Baker in the Washington Biochemistry.

The ownership protein structures are known as antibody ceases or ABCs, combining two biomedical equipment – naturally occurred protein – to create a new protein structure. These protein structures optimize these protein structures, or absores to be controlled in the body and engage in the target cells.

“The thing we want to say, gives you a medicine, and how do you like it, CEO, the co-organizing James Lazorovets. … How to distribute and keep it, and how does it interact with its purpose. “

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Health Tech Startup DextCare Made a software platform It helps to manage health provisers to manage their system’s capacity and schedule schedule.

Seattte business began that the Digital Patient began to help the digital patient for the same-day care business. DexCare is released from the Digital Innovation Group of the Health Care Network in 2021.

“We help expand the capacity of our customers with more intelligent and load balancing orcharatification,” It lasts up to 40% without adding new resources. “

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Fred Hutch

Fred Hatch Cancer Center Lead organization is in an artificial intelligence cooperation of data in data collected by Fred Hutch and Fellow-Fellow-Faced Research Institutions.

Cancer i includes Dana-Farburcement Cancer Institute, Memorial Slon Ketter Cater cancer Center and two Jones Hopkins firms: Sydney Kimmeel Comprehensive Cancer Center and Engineering School. Tech logs are partners with Amazon Web Services, Microsoft, Deloit and Nvidia, will support the technical support.

“This enables us to use the unbelievable rich data in all our centers,” According to the October, Dr. Dr. He said Tom Linc. We hope this will start. We hope this is not about four centers. We hope that we expect more than the top Cancer centers in the country. “

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Talus Bainsense

Found startups on their own Seattles, inspired by a fellow Biotech researchers who found Alex Federation and Lindso Pino Talus Bainsense In 2020.

A Platform Company has developed a platform that finds the compounds affecting transcription factors, which interacts with DNA will turn on the genes on the DNA. Many transcription factors are in cancer, it is in cancer, it is in cancer, which causes the canvas, which causes the shameful gene and other diseases.

But many transcriptions are “Diggable,” the Federation of Federation, “said Geekyur in 2022. When isolated from the cells, you are separated from the structured biology. Taluz has developed the way of cleansing them when maintaining transcription factors.

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Union Biopharma

Union Biopharma A patient’s immune system is developed inside the immune system or a technology consumed within their own body, which can create cancer-fighting cells. The Biotech Company launched in 2019 and its car-t cell enrollers work to commercial attribution.

The technology was developed in the Chattil Children’s Research Institute. At first phase, there is a medicine in the first phase and the most amazing others.

It is the future of the faves and promises of spiritual faves and promises to “long delay and Supply Chein Chin Chein Chin Chin Chin Chin Chin Chin Chin Chin Chin Chin. Declaration of financial.

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Geckivar Awards recognize the best innovations and companies in the Pacific North West Technology. The finalists and others based on Input Community Nominations from the Geetwiver’s Awards In each category, combining the winner with feedback to determine the winner and the community in all sections continue until March 23.

We will declare winners in the Geetweem Awards on April 30 Asting Business Solutions. The limited number of time is available to participate in the event. To reserve a place for your team today, contact our events in

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